module documentation

Core locale representation and locale data access.

Unknown Field: copyright
  1. 2013-2021 by the Babel Team.
Unknown Field: license
BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
Class ​Locale Representation of a specific locale.
Class ​Unknown​Locale​Error Exception thrown when a locale is requested for which no locale data is available.
Function default​_locale Returns the system default locale for a given category, based on environment variables.
Function get​_global Return the dictionary for the given key in the global data.
Function get​_locale​_identifier The reverse of parse_locale. It creates a locale identifier out of a (language, territory, script, variant) tuple. Items can be set to None and trailing Nones can also be left out of the tuple.
Function negotiate​_locale Find the best match between available and requested locale strings.
Function parse​_locale Parse a locale identifier into a tuple of the form (language, territory, script, variant).
Constant LOCALE​_ALIASES Undocumented
Function ​_raise​_no​_data​_error Undocumented
Variable ​_default​_plural​_rule Undocumented
Variable ​_global​_data Undocumented
def default_locale(category=None, aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES):

Returns the system default locale for a given category, based on environment variables.

>>> for name in ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE']:
...     os.environ[name] = ''
>>> os.environ['LANG'] = 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
>>> default_locale('LC_MESSAGES')

The "C" or "POSIX" pseudo-locales are treated as aliases for the "en_US_POSIX" locale:

>>> os.environ['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'POSIX'
>>> default_locale('LC_MESSAGES')

The following fallbacks to the variable are always considered:

  • LC_ALL
  • LANG
categoryone of the LC_XXX environment variable names
aliasesa dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers
def get_global(key):

Return the dictionary for the given key in the global data.

The global data is stored in the babel/global.dat file and contains information independent of individual locales.

>>> get_global('zone_aliases')['UTC']
>>> get_global('zone_territories')['Europe/Berlin']

The keys available are:

  • all_currencies
  • currency_fractions
  • language_aliases
  • likely_subtags
  • parent_exceptions
  • script_aliases
  • territory_aliases
  • territory_currencies
  • territory_languages
  • territory_zones
  • variant_aliases
  • windows_zone_mapping
  • zone_aliases
  • zone_territories


The internal structure of the data may change between versions.

New in version 0.9.
keythe data key
def get_locale_identifier(tup, sep='_'):

The reverse of parse_locale. It creates a locale identifier out of a (language, territory, script, variant) tuple. Items can be set to None and trailing Nones can also be left out of the tuple.

>>> get_locale_identifier(('de', 'DE', None, '1999'))
New in version 1.0.
tupthe tuple as returned by parse_locale.
septhe separator for the identifier.
def negotiate_locale(preferred, available, sep='_', aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES):

Find the best match between available and requested locale strings.

>>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_DE', 'de_AT'])
>>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['en', 'de'])

Case is ignored by the algorithm, the result uses the case of the preferred locale identifier:

>>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_de', 'de_at'])
>>> negotiate_locale(['de_DE', 'en_US'], ['de_de', 'de_at'])

By default, some web browsers unfortunately do not include the territory in the locale identifier for many locales, and some don't even allow the user to easily add the territory. So while you may prefer using qualified locale identifiers in your web-application, they would not normally match the language-only locale sent by such browsers. To workaround that, this function uses a default mapping of commonly used langauge-only locale identifiers to identifiers including the territory:

>>> negotiate_locale(['ja', 'en_US'], ['ja_JP', 'en_US'])

Some browsers even use an incorrect or outdated language code, such as "no" for Norwegian, where the correct locale identifier would actually be "nb_NO" (Bokmål) or "nn_NO" (Nynorsk). The aliases are intended to take care of such cases, too:

>>> negotiate_locale(['no', 'sv'], ['nb_NO', 'sv_SE'])

You can override this default mapping by passing a different aliases dictionary to this function, or you can bypass the behavior althogher by setting the aliases parameter to None.

preferredthe list of locale strings preferred by the user
availablethe list of locale strings available
sepcharacter that separates the different parts of the locale strings
aliasesa dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers
def parse_locale(identifier, sep='_'):

Parse a locale identifier into a tuple of the form (language, territory, script, variant).

>>> parse_locale('zh_CN')
('zh', 'CN', None, None)
>>> parse_locale('zh_Hans_CN')
('zh', 'CN', 'Hans', None)

The default component separator is "_", but a different separator can be specified using the sep parameter:

>>> parse_locale('zh-CN', sep='-')
('zh', 'CN', None, None)

If the identifier cannot be parsed into a locale, a ValueError exception is raised:

>>> parse_locale('not_a_LOCALE_String')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 'not_a_LOCALE_String' is not a valid locale identifier

Encoding information and locale modifiers are removed from the identifier:

>>> parse_locale('it_IT@euro')
('it', 'IT', None, None)
>>> parse_locale('en_US.UTF-8')
('en', 'US', None, None)
>>> parse_locale('de_DE.iso885915@euro')
('de', 'DE', None, None)

See RFC 4646 for more information.

identifierthe locale identifier string
sepcharacter that separates the different components of the locale identifier
ValueErrorif the string does not appear to be a valid locale identifier
LOCALE_ALIASES: dict[str, str] =


{'ar': 'ar_SY',
 'bg': 'bg_BG',
 'bs': 'bs_BA',
 'ca': 'ca_ES',
 'cs': 'cs_CZ',
 'da': 'da_DK',
 'de': 'de_DE',
def _raise_no_data_error():


_default_plural_rule =


_global_data =
