class documentation

class TimezoneTransition(object):

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A helper object that represents the return value from get_next_timezone_transition.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Instance Variable activates Undocumented
Instance Variable from​_tzinfo Undocumented
Instance Variable reference​_date Undocumented
Instance Variable to​_tzinfo Undocumented
Property from​_offset The UTC offset in seconds before the transition.
Property from​_tz The name of the timezone before the transition.
Property to​_offset The UTC offset in seconds after the transition.
Property to​_tz The name of the timezone after the transition.
def __init__(self, activates, from_tzinfo, to_tzinfo, reference_date=None):


def __repr__(self):


activates =


from_tzinfo =


reference_date =


to_tzinfo =


from_offset =
The UTC offset in seconds before the transition.
from_tz =
The name of the timezone before the transition.
to_offset =
The UTC offset in seconds after the transition.
to_tz =
The name of the timezone after the transition.