module documentation

Reading and writing of files in the gettext PO (portable object) format.

Unknown Field: copyright
  1. 2013-2021 by the Babel Team.
Unknown Field: license
BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
Function read​_po Read messages from a gettext PO (portable object) file from the given file-like object and return a Catalog.
Function write​_po Write a gettext PO (portable object) template file for a given message catalog to the provided file-like object.
Constant WORD​_SEP Undocumented
Class _​Normalized​String Undocumented
Class ​Po​File​Error Exception thrown by PoParser when an invalid po file is encountered.
Class ​Po​File​Parser Support class to read messages from a gettext PO (portable object) file and add them to a Catalog
Function ​_sort​_messages Sort the given message iterable by the given criteria.
Function denormalize Reverse the normalization done by the normalize function.
Function escape Escape the given string so that it can be included in double-quoted strings in PO files.
Function normalize Convert a string into a format that is appropriate for .po files.
Function unescape Reverse escape the given string.
def read_po(fileobj, locale=None, domain=None, ignore_obsolete=False, charset=None, abort_invalid=False):

Read messages from a gettext PO (portable object) file from the given file-like object and return a Catalog.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from babel._compat import StringIO
>>> buf = StringIO('''
... #:
... #, fuzzy, python-format
... msgid "foo %(name)s"
... msgstr "quux %(name)s"
... # A user comment
... #. An auto comment
... #:
... msgid "bar"
... msgid_plural "baz"
... msgstr[0] "bar"
... msgstr[1] "baaz"
... ''')
>>> catalog = read_po(buf)
>>> catalog.revision_date = datetime(2007, 4, 1)
>>> for message in catalog:
...     if
...         print((, message.string))
...         print(' ', (message.locations, sorted(list(message.flags))))
...         print(' ', (message.user_comments, message.auto_comments))
(u'foo %(name)s', u'quux %(name)s')
  ([(u'', 1)], [u'fuzzy', u'python-format'])
  ([], [])
((u'bar', u'baz'), (u'bar', u'baaz'))
  ([(u'', 3)], [])
  ([u'A user comment'], [u'An auto comment'])
New in version 1.0: Added support for explicit charset argument.
fileobjthe file-like object to read the PO file from
localethe locale identifier or Locale object, or None if the catalog is not bound to a locale (which basically means it's a template)
domainthe message domain
ignore​_obsoletewhether to ignore obsolete messages in the input
charsetthe character set of the catalog.
abort​_invalidabort read if po file is invalid
def write_po(fileobj, catalog, width=76, no_location=False, omit_header=False, sort_output=False, sort_by_file=False, ignore_obsolete=False, include_previous=False, include_lineno=True):

Write a gettext PO (portable object) template file for a given message catalog to the provided file-like object.

>>> catalog = Catalog()
>>> catalog.add(u'foo %(name)s', locations=[('', 1)],
...             flags=('fuzzy',))
>>> catalog.add((u'bar', u'baz'), locations=[('', 3)])
>>> from babel._compat import BytesIO
>>> buf = BytesIO()
>>> write_po(buf, catalog, omit_header=True)
>>> print(buf.getvalue().decode("utf8"))
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "foo %(name)s"
msgstr ""
msgid "bar"
msgid_plural "baz"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
fileobjthe file-like object to write to
catalogthe Catalog instance
widththe maximum line width for the generated output; use None, 0, or a negative number to completely disable line wrapping
no​_locationdo not emit a location comment for every message
omit​_headerdo not include the msgid "" entry at the top of the output
sort​_outputwhether to sort the messages in the output by msgid
sort​_by​_filewhether to sort the messages in the output by their locations
ignore​_obsoletewhether to ignore obsolete messages and not include them in the output; by default they are included as comments
include​_previousinclude the old msgid as a comment when updating the catalog
include​_linenoinclude line number in the location comment


def _sort_messages(messages, sort_by):

Sort the given message iterable by the given criteria.

Always returns a list.

messagesAn iterable of Messages.
sort​_bySort by which criteria? Options are message and location.
def denormalize(string):

Reverse the normalization done by the normalize function.

>>> print(denormalize(r'''""
... "Say:\n"
... "  \"hello, world!\"\n"'''))
  "hello, world!"
>>> print(denormalize(r'''""
... "Say:\n"
... "  \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
... "amet, consectetur adipisicing"
... " elit, \"\n"'''))
  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "
stringthe string to denormalize
def escape(string):

Escape the given string so that it can be included in double-quoted strings in PO files.

>>> escape('''Say:
...   "hello, world!"
... ''')
'"Say:\\n  \\"hello, world!\\"\\n"'
stringthe string to escape
def normalize(string, prefix='', width=76):

Convert a string into a format that is appropriate for .po files.

>>> print(normalize('''Say:
...   "hello, world!"
... ''', width=None))
"  \"hello, world!\"\n"
>>> print(normalize('''Say:
...   "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "
... ''', width=32))
"  \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
"amet, consectetur adipisicing"
" elit, \"\n"
stringthe string to normalize
prefixa string that should be prepended to every line
widththe maximum line width; use None, 0, or a negative number to completely disable line wrapping
def unescape(string):

Reverse escape the given string.

>>> print(unescape('"Say:\\n  \\"hello, world!\\"\\n"'))
  "hello, world!"
stringthe string to unescape