class documentation

class AppConfig:

Known subclasses: django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig, django.contrib.admindocs.apps.AdminDocsConfig, django.contrib.auth.apps.AuthConfig, django.contrib.contenttypes.apps.ContentTypesConfig, django.contrib.flatpages.apps.FlatPagesConfig, django.contrib.gis.apps.GISConfig, django.contrib.humanize.apps.HumanizeConfig, django.contrib.messages.apps.MessagesConfig, django.contrib.postgres.apps.PostgresConfig, django.contrib.redirects.apps.RedirectsConfig, django.contrib.sessions.apps.SessionsConfig, django.contrib.sitemaps.apps.SiteMapsConfig, django.contrib.sites.apps.SitesConfig, django.contrib.staticfiles.apps.StaticFilesConfig, django.contrib.syndication.apps.SyndicationConfig, django.db.migrations.state.AppConfigStub

View In Hierarchy

Class representing a Django application and its configuration.
Class Method create Factory that creates an app config from an entry in INSTALLED_APPS.
Method get​_model Return the model with the given case-insensitive model_name.
Method get​_models Return an iterable of models.
Method ready Override this method in subclasses to run code when Django starts.
Instance Variable label Undocumented
Instance Variable models​_module Undocumented
Instance Variable module Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable path Undocumented
Instance Variable verbose​_name Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method ​_path​_from​_module Attempt to determine app's filesystem path from its module.
Method import​_models Undocumented
Instance Variable apps Undocumented
Instance Variable models Undocumented
Property ​_is​_default​_auto​_field​_overridden Undocumented
Property default​_auto​_field Undocumented
def create(cls, entry):
Factory that creates an app config from an entry in INSTALLED_APPS.
def get_model(self, model_name, require_ready=True):

Return the model with the given case-insensitive model_name.

Raise LookupError if no model exists with this name.

def get_models(self, include_auto_created=False, include_swapped=False):

Return an iterable of models.

By default, the following models aren't included:

  • auto-created models for many-to-many relations without an explicit intermediate table,
  • models that have been swapped out.

Set the corresponding keyword argument to True to include such models. Keyword arguments aren't documented; they're a private API.

label =


models_module =


module =


path =


def __init__(self, app_name, app_module):


def __repr__(self):


def _path_from_module(self, module):
Attempt to determine app's filesystem path from its module.
def import_models(self):


apps =


models =


_is_default_auto_field_overridden =
