class documentation

class StackedInline(InlineModelAdmin):

View In Hierarchy


Class Variable template Undocumented

Inherited from InlineModelAdmin:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_get​_form​_for​_get​_fields Undocumented
Method ​_has​_any​_perms​_for​_target​_model No summary
Method get​_extra Hook for customizing the number of extra inline forms.
Method get​_formset Return a BaseInlineFormSet class for use in admin add/change views.
Method get​_max​_num Hook for customizing the max number of extra inline forms.
Method get​_min​_num Hook for customizing the min number of inline forms.
Method get​_queryset Return a QuerySet of all model instances that can be edited by the admin site. This is used by changelist_view.
Method has​_add​_permission Return True if the given request has permission to add an object. Can be overridden by the user in subclasses.
Method has​_change​_permission Return True if the given request has permission to change the given Django model instance, the default implementation doesn't examine the obj parameter.
Method has​_delete​_permission Return True if the given request has permission to change the given Django model instance, the default implementation doesn't examine the obj parameter.
Method has​_view​_permission Return True if the given request has permission to view the given Django model instance. The default implementation doesn't examine the obj parameter.
Class Variable can​_delete Undocumented
Class Variable classes Undocumented
Class Variable extra Undocumented
Class Variable fk​_name Undocumented
Class Variable max​_num Undocumented
Class Variable min​_num Undocumented
Class Variable model Undocumented
Class Variable show​_change​_link Undocumented
Instance Variable admin​_site Undocumented
Instance Variable has​_registered​_model Undocumented
Instance Variable opts Undocumented
Instance Variable parent​_model Undocumented
Instance Variable verbose​_name Undocumented
Instance Variable verbose​_name​_plural Undocumented
Property media Undocumented

Inherited from BaseModelAdmin (via InlineModelAdmin):

Method check Undocumented
Method formfield​_for​_choice​_field Get a form Field for a database Field that has declared choices.
Method formfield​_for​_dbfield Hook for specifying the form Field instance for a given database Field instance.
Method formfield​_for​_foreignkey Get a form Field for a ForeignKey.
Method formfield​_for​_manytomany Get a form Field for a ManyToManyField.
Method get​_autocomplete​_fields Return a list of ForeignKey and/or ManyToMany fields which should use an autocomplete widget.
Method get​_empty​_value​_display Return the empty_value_display set on ModelAdmin or AdminSite.
Method get​_exclude Hook for specifying exclude.
Method get​_field​_queryset If the ModelAdmin specifies ordering, the queryset should respect that ordering. Otherwise don't specify the queryset, let the field decide (return None in that case).
Method get​_fields Hook for specifying fields.
Method get​_fieldsets Hook for specifying fieldsets.
Method get​_inlines Hook for specifying custom inlines.
Method get​_ordering Hook for specifying field ordering.
Method get​_prepopulated​_fields Hook for specifying custom prepopulated fields.
Method get​_readonly​_fields Hook for specifying custom readonly fields.
Method get​_sortable​_by Hook for specifying which fields can be sorted in the changelist.
Method get​_view​_on​_site​_url Undocumented
Method has​_module​_permission Return True if the given request has any permission in the given app label.
Method has​_view​_or​_change​_permission Undocumented
Method lookup​_allowed Undocumented
Method to​_field​_allowed Return True if the model associated with this admin should be allowed to be referenced by the specified field.
Class Variable autocomplete​_fields Undocumented
Class Variable exclude Undocumented
Class Variable fields Undocumented
Class Variable fieldsets Undocumented
Class Variable filter​_horizontal Undocumented
Class Variable filter​_vertical Undocumented
Class Variable ordering Undocumented
Class Variable prepopulated​_fields Undocumented
Class Variable radio​_fields Undocumented
Class Variable raw​_id​_fields Undocumented
Class Variable readonly​_fields Undocumented
Class Variable show​_full​_result​_count Undocumented
Class Variable sortable​_by Undocumented
Class Variable view​_on​_site Undocumented
Instance Variable formfield​_overrides Undocumented
template: str =