class documentation

class BaseModelAdminChecks:

Known subclasses: django.contrib.admin.checks.InlineModelAdminChecks, django.contrib.admin.checks.ModelAdminChecks

View In Hierarchy


Method ​_check​_autocomplete​_fields Check that autocomplete_fields is a list or tuple of model fields.
Method ​_check​_autocomplete​_fields​_item Check that an item in autocomplete_fields is a ForeignKey or a ManyToManyField and that the item has a related ModelAdmin with search_fields defined.
Method ​_check​_exclude Check that exclude is a sequence without duplicates.
Method ​_check​_field​_spec fields should be an item of fields or an item of fieldset[1]['fields'] for any fieldset in fieldsets. It should be a field name or a tuple of field names.
Method ​_check​_field​_spec​_item Undocumented
Method ​_check​_fields Check that fields only refer to existing fields, doesn't contain duplicates. Check if at most one of fields and fieldsets is defined.
Method ​_check​_fieldsets Check that fieldsets is properly formatted and doesn't contain duplicates.
Method ​_check​_fieldsets​_item Check an item of fieldsets, i.e. check that this is a pair of a set name and a dictionary containing "fields" key.
Method ​_check​_filter​_horizontal Check that filter_horizontal is a sequence of field names.
Method ​_check​_filter​_item Check one item of filter_vertical or filter_horizontal, i.e. check that given field exists and is a ManyToManyField.
Method ​_check​_filter​_vertical Check that filter_vertical is a sequence of field names.
Method ​_check​_form Check that form subclasses BaseModelForm.
Method ​_check​_ordering Check that ordering refers to existing fields or is random.
Method ​_check​_ordering​_item Check that ordering refers to existing fields.
Method ​_check​_prepopulated​_fields Check that prepopulated_fields is a dictionary containing allowed field types.
Method ​_check​_prepopulated​_fields​_key Check a key of prepopulated_fields dictionary, i.e. check that it is a name of existing field and the field is one of the allowed types.
Method ​_check​_prepopulated​_fields​_value Check a value of prepopulated_fields dictionary, i.e. it's an iterable of existing fields.
Method ​_check​_prepopulated​_fields​_value​_item For prepopulated_fields equal to {"slug": ("title",)}, field_name is "title".
Method ​_check​_radio​_fields Check that radio_fields is a dictionary.
Method ​_check​_radio​_fields​_key Check that a key of radio_fields dictionary is name of existing field and that the field is a ForeignKey or has choices defined.
Method ​_check​_radio​_fields​_value Check type of a value of radio_fields dictionary.
Method ​_check​_raw​_id​_fields Check that raw_id_fields only contains field names that are listed on the model.
Method ​_check​_raw​_id​_fields​_item Check an item of raw_id_fields, i.e. check that field named field_name exists in model model and is a ForeignKey or a ManyToManyField.
Method ​_check​_readonly​_fields Check that readonly_fields refers to proper attribute or field.
Method ​_check​_readonly​_fields​_item Undocumented
Method ​_check​_view​_on​_site​_url Undocumented
Method check Undocumented
def _check_autocomplete_fields(self, obj):
Check that autocomplete_fields is a list or tuple of model fields.
def _check_autocomplete_fields_item(self, obj, field_name, label):
Check that an item in autocomplete_fields is a ForeignKey or a ManyToManyField and that the item has a related ModelAdmin with search_fields defined.
def _check_exclude(self, obj):
Check that exclude is a sequence without duplicates.
def _check_field_spec(self, obj, fields, label):
fields should be an item of fields or an item of fieldset[1]['fields'] for any fieldset in fieldsets. It should be a field name or a tuple of field names.
def _check_field_spec_item(self, obj, field_name, label):


def _check_fields(self, obj):
Check that fields only refer to existing fields, doesn't contain duplicates. Check if at most one of fields and fieldsets is defined.
def _check_fieldsets(self, obj):
Check that fieldsets is properly formatted and doesn't contain duplicates.
def _check_fieldsets_item(self, obj, fieldset, label, seen_fields):
Check an item of fieldsets, i.e. check that this is a pair of a set name and a dictionary containing "fields" key.
def _check_filter_horizontal(self, obj):
Check that filter_horizontal is a sequence of field names.
def _check_filter_item(self, obj, field_name, label):
Check one item of filter_vertical or filter_horizontal, i.e. check that given field exists and is a ManyToManyField.
def _check_filter_vertical(self, obj):
Check that filter_vertical is a sequence of field names.
def _check_form(self, obj):
Check that form subclasses BaseModelForm.
def _check_ordering(self, obj):
Check that ordering refers to existing fields or is random.
def _check_ordering_item(self, obj, field_name, label):
Check that ordering refers to existing fields.
def _check_prepopulated_fields(self, obj):
Check that prepopulated_fields is a dictionary containing allowed field types.
def _check_prepopulated_fields_key(self, obj, field_name, label):
Check a key of prepopulated_fields dictionary, i.e. check that it is a name of existing field and the field is one of the allowed types.
def _check_prepopulated_fields_value(self, obj, val, label):
Check a value of prepopulated_fields dictionary, i.e. it's an iterable of existing fields.
def _check_prepopulated_fields_value_item(self, obj, field_name, label):
For prepopulated_fields equal to {"slug": ("title",)}, field_name is "title".
def _check_radio_fields(self, obj):
Check that radio_fields is a dictionary.
def _check_radio_fields_key(self, obj, field_name, label):
Check that a key of radio_fields dictionary is name of existing field and that the field is a ForeignKey or has choices defined.
def _check_radio_fields_value(self, obj, val, label):
Check type of a value of radio_fields dictionary.
def _check_raw_id_fields(self, obj):
Check that raw_id_fields only contains field names that are listed on the model.
def _check_raw_id_fields_item(self, obj, field_name, label):
Check an item of raw_id_fields, i.e. check that field named field_name exists in model model and is a ForeignKey or a ManyToManyField.
def _check_readonly_fields(self, obj):
Check that readonly_fields refers to proper attribute or field.
def _check_readonly_fields_item(self, obj, field_name, label):


def _check_view_on_site_url(self, obj):


def check(self, admin_obj, **kwargs):