class documentation

class InclusionAdminNode(InclusionNode):

View In Hierarchy

Template tag that allows its template to be overridden per model, per app, or globally.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method render Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for loop.
Instance Variable template​_name Undocumented

Inherited from InclusionNode:

Instance Variable filename Undocumented

Inherited from TagHelperNode (via InclusionNode):

Method get​_resolved​_arguments Undocumented
Instance Variable args Undocumented
Instance Variable func Undocumented
Instance Variable kwargs Undocumented
Instance Variable takes​_context Undocumented

Inherited from Node (via InclusionNode, TagHelperNode):

Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method get​_nodes​_by​_type Return a list of all nodes (within this node and its nodelist) of the given type
Method render​_annotated No summary
Class Variable child​_nodelists Undocumented
Class Variable must​_be​_first Undocumented
Class Variable token Undocumented
def __init__(self, parser, token, func, template_name, takes_context=True):
def render(self, context):
Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for loop.
template_name =
