module documentation


Constant MODEL​_METHODS​_EXCLUDE Undocumented
Class ​Base​Admin​Docs​View Base view for admindocs views.
Class ​Bookmarklets​View Undocumented
Class ​Model​Detail​View Undocumented
Class ​Model​Index​View Undocumented
Class ​Template​Detail​View Undocumented
Class ​Template​Filter​Index​View Undocumented
Class ​Template​Tag​Index​View Undocumented
Class ​View​Detail​View Undocumented
Class ​View​Index​View Undocumented
Function extract​_views​_from​_urlpatterns Return a list of views from a list of urlpatterns.
Function get​_readable​_field​_data​_type Return the description for a given field type, if it exists. Fields' descriptions can contain format strings, which will be interpolated with the values of field.__dict__ before being output.
Function get​_return​_data​_type Return a somewhat-helpful data type given a function name
Function simplify​_regex Clean up urlpattern regexes into something more readable by humans. For example, turn "^(?P<sport_slug>w+)/athletes/(?P<athlete_slug>w+)/$" into "/<sport_slug>/athletes/<athlete_slug>/".
MODEL_METHODS_EXCLUDE: tuple[str, ...] =


('_', 'add_', 'delete', 'save', 'set_')
def extract_views_from_urlpatterns(urlpatterns, base='', namespace=None):

Return a list of views from a list of urlpatterns.

Each object in the returned list is a two-tuple: (view_func, regex)

def get_readable_field_data_type(field):
Return the description for a given field type, if it exists. Fields' descriptions can contain format strings, which will be interpolated with the values of field.__dict__ before being output.
def get_return_data_type(func_name):
Return a somewhat-helpful data type given a function name
def simplify_regex(pattern):
Clean up urlpattern regexes into something more readable by humans. For example, turn "^(?P<sport_slug>w+)/athletes/(?P<athlete_slug>w+)/$" into "/<sport_slug>/athletes/<athlete_slug>/".