class documentation

class AllowAllUsersModelBackend(ModelBackend):

View In Hierarchy


Method user​_can​_authenticate Reject users with is_active=False. Custom user models that don't have that attribute are allowed.

Inherited from ModelBackend:

Method authenticate Undocumented
Method get​_all​_permissions Undocumented
Method get​_group​_permissions Return a set of permission strings the user user_obj has from the groups they belong.
Method get​_user​_permissions Return a set of permission strings the user user_obj has from their user_permissions.
Method has​_module​_perms Return True if user_obj has any permissions in the given app_label.
Method has​_perm Undocumented
Method with​_perm Return users that have permission "perm". By default, filter out inactive users and include superusers.
Method ​_get​_group​_permissions Undocumented
Method ​_get​_permissions Return the permissions of user_obj from from_name. from_name can be either "group" or "user" to return permissions from _get_group_permissions or _get_user_permissions respectively.
Method ​_get​_user​_permissions Undocumented
Method get​_user Undocumented
def user_can_authenticate(self, user):
Reject users with is_active=False. Custom user models that don't have that attribute are allowed.