class documentation

class BCryptPasswordHasher(BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher):

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Secure password hashing using the bcrypt algorithm

This is considered by many to be the most secure algorithm but you must first install the bcrypt library. Please be warned that this library depends on native C code and might cause portability issues.

This hasher does not first hash the password which means it is subject to bcrypt's 72 bytes password truncation. Most use cases should prefer the BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher.

Class Variable algorithm Undocumented
Class Variable digest Undocumented

Inherited from BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher:

Method decode Return a decoded database value.
Method encode Create an encoded database value.
Method harden​_runtime Bridge the runtime gap between the work factor supplied in encoded and the work factor suggested by this hasher.
Method must​_update Undocumented
Method safe​_summary Return a summary of safe values.
Method salt Generate a cryptographically secure nonce salt in ASCII with an entropy of at least salt_entropy bits.
Method verify Check if the given password is correct.
Class Variable library Undocumented
Class Variable rounds Undocumented

Inherited from BasePasswordHasher (via BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher):

Method ​_check​_encode​_args Undocumented
Method ​_load​_library Undocumented
Class Variable salt​_entropy Undocumented
digest =
