module documentation


Constant WARNING Undocumented
Class ​Migration Undocumented
Function revert​_proxy​_model​_permissions Update the content_type of proxy model permissions to use the ContentType of the concrete model.
Function update​_proxy​_model​_permissions Update the content_type of proxy model permissions to use the ContentType of the proxy model.
WARNING: str =


    A problem arose migrating proxy model permissions for {old} to {new}.

      Permission(s) for {new} already existed.
      Codenames Q: {query}

    Ensure to audit ALL permissions for {old} and {new}.
def revert_proxy_model_permissions(apps, schema_editor):
Update the content_type of proxy model permissions to use the ContentType of the concrete model.
def update_proxy_model_permissions(apps, schema_editor, reverse=False):
Update the content_type of proxy model permissions to use the ContentType of the proxy model.