class documentation

class NoFastDeleteCollector(Collector):

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Method can​_fast​_delete Always load related objects to display them when showing confirmation.

Inherited from Collector:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_has​_signal​_listeners Undocumented
Method add Add 'objs' to the collection of objects to be deleted. If the call is the result of a cascade, 'source' should be the model that caused it, and 'nullable' should be set to True if the relation can be null.
Method add​_dependency Undocumented
Method add​_field​_update Schedule a field update. 'objs' must be a homogeneous iterable collection of model instances (e.g. a QuerySet).
Method add​_restricted​_objects Undocumented
Method clear​_restricted​_objects​_from​_queryset Undocumented
Method clear​_restricted​_objects​_from​_set Undocumented
Method collect No summary
Method delete Undocumented
Method get​_del​_batches Return the objs in suitably sized batches for the used connection.
Method instances​_with​_model Undocumented
Method related​_objects Get a QuerySet of the related model to objs via related fields.
Method sort Undocumented
Instance Variable data Undocumented
Instance Variable dependencies Undocumented
Instance Variable fast​_deletes Undocumented
Instance Variable field​_updates Undocumented
Instance Variable restricted​_objects Undocumented
Instance Variable using Undocumented
def can_fast_delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
Always load related objects to display them when showing confirmation.