class documentation

class OracleSpatialAdapter(WKTAdapter):

View In Hierarchy


Class Method ​_fix​_geometry​_collection Fix polygon orientations in geometry collections as described in __init__().
Class Method ​_fix​_polygon Fix single polygon orientation as described in __init__().
Static Method ​_polygon​_must​_be​_fixed Undocumented
Method __init__ No summary
Instance Variable srid Undocumented
Instance Variable wkt Undocumented

Inherited from WKTAdapter:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
def _fix_geometry_collection(cls, coll):
Fix polygon orientations in geometry collections as described in __init__().
def _fix_polygon(cls, poly, clone=True):
Fix single polygon orientation as described in __init__().
def _polygon_must_be_fixed(poly):


def __init__(self, geom):

Oracle requires that polygon rings are in proper orientation. This affects spatial operations and an invalid orientation may cause failures. Correct orientations are:

  • Outer ring - counter clockwise
  • Inner ring(s) - clockwise