class documentation

class GEOSCoordSeq(GEOSBase):

View In Hierarchy

The internal representation of a list of coordinates inside a Geometry.
Method __getitem__ Return the coordinate sequence value at the given index.
Method __init__ Initialize from a GEOS pointer.
Method __iter__ Iterate over each point in the coordinate sequence.
Method __len__ Return the number of points in the coordinate sequence.
Method __setitem__ Set the coordinate sequence value at the given index.
Method __str__ Return the string representation of the coordinate sequence.
Method ​_checkdim Check the given dimension.
Method ​_checkindex Check the given index.
Method ​_get​_point​_2d Undocumented
Method ​_get​_point​_3d Undocumented
Method ​_get​_x Undocumented
Method ​_get​_y Undocumented
Method ​_get​_z Undocumented
Method ​_set​_point​_2d Undocumented
Method ​_set​_point​_3d Undocumented
Method ​_set​_x Undocumented
Method ​_set​_y Undocumented
Method ​_set​_z Undocumented
Method clone Clone this coordinate sequence.
Method get​Ordinate Return the value for the given dimension and index.
Method get​X Get the X value at the index.
Method get​Y Get the Y value at the given index.
Method get​Z Get Z with the value at the given index.
Method set​Ordinate Set the value for the given dimension and index.
Method set​X Set X with the value at the given index.
Method set​Y Set Y with the value at the given index.
Method set​Z Set Z with the value at the given index.
Instance Variable ​_ptr Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_z Undocumented
Property ​_point​_getter Undocumented
Property dims Return the dimensions of this coordinate sequence.
Property hasz Return whether this coordinate sequence is 3D. This property value is inherited from the parent Geometry.
Property is​_counterclockwise Return whether this coordinate sequence is counterclockwise.
Property kml Return the KML representation for the coordinates.
Property size Return the size of this coordinate sequence.
Property tuple Return a tuple version of this coordinate sequence.

Inherited from CPointerBase (via GEOSBase):

Method __del__ Free the memory used by the C++ object.
Method ptr.setter Undocumented
Class Variable destructor Undocumented
Property ptr Undocumented
def __getitem__(self, index):
Return the coordinate sequence value at the given index.
def __init__(self, ptr, z=False):
Initialize from a GEOS pointer.
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over each point in the coordinate sequence.
def __len__(self):
Return the number of points in the coordinate sequence.
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
Set the coordinate sequence value at the given index.
def __str__(self):
Return the string representation of the coordinate sequence.
def _checkdim(self, dim):
Check the given dimension.
def _checkindex(self, index):
Check the given index.
def _get_point_2d(self, index):


def _get_point_3d(self, index):


def _get_x(self, index):


def _get_y(self, index):


def _get_z(self, index):


def _set_point_2d(self, index, value):


def _set_point_3d(self, index, value):


def _set_x(self, index, value):


def _set_y(self, index, value):


def _set_z(self, index, value):


def clone(self):
Clone this coordinate sequence.
def getOrdinate(self, dimension, index):
Return the value for the given dimension and index.
def getX(self, index):
Get the X value at the index.
def getY(self, index):
Get the Y value at the given index.
def getZ(self, index):
Get Z with the value at the given index.
def setOrdinate(self, dimension, index, value):
Set the value for the given dimension and index.
def setX(self, index, value):
Set X with the value at the given index.
def setY(self, index, value):
Set Y with the value at the given index.
def setZ(self, index, value):
Set Z with the value at the given index.
_ptr =
_z =


_point_getter =


dims =
Return the dimensions of this coordinate sequence.
hasz =
Return whether this coordinate sequence is 3D. This property value is inherited from the parent Geometry.
is_counterclockwise =
Return whether this coordinate sequence is counterclockwise.
kml =
Return the KML representation for the coordinates.
size =
Return the size of this coordinate sequence.
tuple =
Return a tuple version of this coordinate sequence.