class documentation

class SessionStorage(BaseStorage):

View In Hierarchy

Store messages in the session (that is, django.contrib.sessions).
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_get Retrieve a list of messages from the request's session. This storage always stores everything it is given, so return True for the all_retrieved flag.
Method ​_store Store a list of messages to the request's session.
Method deserialize​_messages Undocumented
Method serialize​_messages Undocumented
Class Variable session​_key Undocumented

Inherited from BaseStorage:

Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method ​_get​_level Return the minimum recorded level.
Method ​_prepare​_messages Prepare a list of messages for storage.
Method ​_set​_level Set a custom minimum recorded level.
Method add Queue a message to be stored.
Method update Store all unread messages.
Class Variable level Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_level Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_queued​_messages Undocumented
Instance Variable added​_new Undocumented
Instance Variable request Undocumented
Instance Variable used Undocumented
Property ​_loaded​_messages Return a list of loaded messages, retrieving them first if they have not been loaded yet.
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
def _get(self, *args, **kwargs):
Retrieve a list of messages from the request's session. This storage always stores everything it is given, so return True for the all_retrieved flag.
def _store(self, messages, response, *args, **kwargs):
Store a list of messages to the request's session.
def deserialize_messages(self, data):


def serialize_messages(self, messages):


session_key: str =
