class documentation

class Feed:

Known subclasses: django.contrib.gis.feeds.Feed

View In Hierarchy


Method __call__ Undocumented
Method ​_get​_dynamic​_attr Undocumented
Method feed​_extra​_kwargs Return an extra keyword arguments dictionary that is used when initializing the feed generator.
Method get​_context​_data Return a dictionary to use as extra context if either self.description_template or self.item_template are used.
Method get​_feed Return a feedgenerator.DefaultFeed object, fully populated, for this feed. Raise FeedDoesNotExist for invalid parameters.
Method get​_object Undocumented
Method item​_description Undocumented
Method item​_enclosures Undocumented
Method item​_extra​_kwargs Return an extra keyword arguments dictionary that is used with the add_item call of the feed generator.
Method item​_link Undocumented
Method item​_title Undocumented
Class Variable description​_template Undocumented
Class Variable language Undocumented
Class Variable title​_template Undocumented
def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):


def _get_dynamic_attr(self, attname, obj, default=None):


def feed_extra_kwargs(self, obj):
Return an extra keyword arguments dictionary that is used when initializing the feed generator.
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

Return a dictionary to use as extra context if either self.description_template or self.item_template are used.

Default implementation preserves the old behavior of using {'obj': item, 'site': current_site} as the context.

def get_feed(self, obj, request):
Return a feedgenerator.DefaultFeed object, fully populated, for this feed. Raise FeedDoesNotExist for invalid parameters.
def get_object(self, request, *args, **kwargs):


def item_description(self, item):


def item_enclosures(self, item):


def item_extra_kwargs(self, item):
Return an extra keyword arguments dictionary that is used with the add_item call of the feed generator.
def item_link(self, item):


def item_title(self, item):


description_template =


language =


title_template =
