module documentation


Function ​_load​_all​_namespaces Recursively load all namespaces from URL patterns.
Function check​_resolver Recursively check the resolver.
Function check​_url​_config Undocumented
Function check​_url​_namespaces​_unique Warn if URL namespaces used in applications aren't unique.
Function check​_url​_settings Undocumented
Function E006 Undocumented
Function get​_warning​_for​_invalid​_pattern Return a list containing a warning that the pattern is invalid.
def _load_all_namespaces(resolver, parents=()):
Recursively load all namespaces from URL patterns.
def check_resolver(resolver):
Recursively check the resolver.
def check_url_config(app_configs, **kwargs):


def check_url_namespaces_unique(app_configs, **kwargs):
Warn if URL namespaces used in applications aren't unique.
def check_url_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):


def E006(name):


def get_warning_for_invalid_pattern(pattern):

Return a list containing a warning that the pattern is invalid.

describe_pattern() cannot be used here, because we cannot rely on the urlpattern having regex or name attributes.