module documentation

Global Django exception and warning classes.
Class ​App​Registry​Not​Ready The django.apps registry is not populated yet
Class ​Bad​Request The request is malformed and cannot be processed.
Class ​Empty​Result​Set A database query predicate is impossible.
Class ​Field​Does​Not​Exist The requested model field does not exist
Class ​Field​Error Some kind of problem with a model field.
Class ​Improperly​Configured Django is somehow improperly configured
Class ​Middleware​Not​Used This middleware is not used in this server configuration
Class ​Multiple​Objects​Returned The query returned multiple objects when only one was expected.
Class ​Object​Does​Not​Exist The requested object does not exist
Class ​Permission​Denied The user did not have permission to do that
Class ​Request​Aborted The request was closed before it was completed, or timed out.
Class ​Suspicious​Operation The user did something suspicious
Class ​Synchronous​Only​Operation The user tried to call a sync-only function from an async context.
Class ​Validation​Error An error while validating data.
Class ​View​Does​Not​Exist The requested view does not exist
Constant NON​_FIELD​_ERRORS Undocumented
Class ​Disallowed​Host HTTP_HOST header contains invalid value
Class ​Disallowed​Redirect Redirect to scheme not in allowed list
Class ​Request​Data​Too​Big The size of the request (excluding any file uploads) exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE.
Class ​Suspicious​File​Operation A Suspicious filesystem operation was attempted
Class ​Suspicious​Multipart​Form Suspect MIME request in multipart form data
Class ​Too​Many​Fields​Sent The number of fields in a GET or POST request exceeded settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS.

