module documentation

Sets up the terminal color scheme.
Constant HAS​_COLORAMA Undocumented
Class ​Style Undocumented
Function color​_style Return a Style object from the Django color scheme.
Function make​_style Create a Style object from the given config_string.
Function no​_style Return a Style object with no color scheme.
Function supports​_color Return True if the running system's terminal supports color, and False otherwise.


def color_style(force_color=False):
Return a Style object from the Django color scheme.
def make_style(config_string=''):

Create a Style object from the given config_string.

If config_string is empty django.utils.termcolors.DEFAULT_PALETTE is used.

def no_style():
Return a Style object with no color scheme.
def supports_color():
Return True if the running system's terminal supports color, and False otherwise.