class documentation

class BuildFile:

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Represent the state of a translatable file during the build process.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method cleanup Remove a preprocessed copy of a translatable file (if any).
Method postprocess​_messages Postprocess messages generated by xgettext GNU gettext utility.
Method preprocess Preprocess (if necessary) a translatable file before passing it to xgettext GNU gettext utility.
Instance Variable command Undocumented
Instance Variable domain Undocumented
Instance Variable translatable Undocumented
Property is​_templatized Undocumented
Property path Undocumented
Property work​_path Path to a file which is being fed into GNU gettext pipeline. This may be either a translatable or its preprocessed version.
def __init__(self, command, domain, translatable):


def cleanup(self):
Remove a preprocessed copy of a translatable file (if any).
def postprocess_messages(self, msgs):

Postprocess messages generated by xgettext GNU gettext utility.

Transform paths as if these messages were generated from original translatable files rather than from preprocessed versions.

def preprocess(self):
Preprocess (if necessary) a translatable file before passing it to xgettext GNU gettext utility.
command =


domain =


translatable =


is_templatized =


path =


work_path =
Path to a file which is being fed into GNU gettext pipeline. This may be either a translatable or its preprocessed version.