class documentation

class StateApps(Apps):

View In Hierarchy

Subclass of the global Apps registry class to better handle dynamic model additions and removals.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method bulk​_update Undocumented
Method clone Return a clone of this registry.
Method register​_model Undocumented
Method render​_multiple Undocumented
Method unregister​_model Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_lock Undocumented
Instance Variable ready Undocumented
Instance Variable ready​_event Undocumented
Instance Variable real​_models Undocumented

Inherited from Apps:

Method check​_apps​_ready Raise an exception if all apps haven't been imported yet.
Method check​_models​_ready Raise an exception if all models haven't been imported yet.
Method clear​_cache Clear all internal caches, for methods that alter the app registry.
Method do​_pending​_operations Take a newly-prepared model and pass it to each function waiting for it. This is called at the very end of Apps.register_model().
Method get​_app​_config Import applications and returns an app config for the given label.
Method get​_app​_configs Import applications and return an iterable of app configs.
Method get​_containing​_app​_config Look for an app config containing a given object.
Method get​_model Return the model matching the given app_label and model_name.
Method get​_models Return a list of all installed models.
Method get​_registered​_model Similar to get_model(), but doesn't require that an app exists with the given app_label.
Method get​_swappable​_settings​_name For a given model string (e.g. "auth.User"), return the name of the corresponding settings name if it refers to a swappable model. If the referred model is not swappable, return None.
Method is​_installed Check whether an application with this name exists in the registry.
Method lazy​_model​_operation Take a function and a number of ("app_label", "modelname") tuples, and when all the corresponding models have been imported and registered, call the function with the model classes as its arguments.
Method populate Load application configurations and models.
Method set​_available​_apps Restrict the set of installed apps used by get_app_config[s].
Method set​_installed​_apps Enable a different set of installed apps for get_app_config[s].
Method unset​_available​_apps Cancel a previous call to set_available_apps().
Method unset​_installed​_apps Cancel a previous call to set_installed_apps().
Instance Variable ​_pending​_operations Undocumented
Instance Variable all​_models Undocumented
Instance Variable app​_configs Undocumented
Instance Variable apps​_ready Undocumented
Instance Variable loading Undocumented
Instance Variable models​_ready Undocumented
Instance Variable stored​_app​_configs Undocumented
def __init__(self, real_apps, models, ignore_swappable=False):


def bulk_update(self):


def clone(self):
Return a clone of this registry.
def register_model(self, app_label, model):
def render_multiple(self, model_states):


def unregister_model(self, app_label, model_name):


_lock =


ready =


ready_event =


real_models: list =
