module documentation


Class ​Case An SQL searched CASE expression:
Class ​Raw​SQL Undocumented
Class ​Row​Range Undocumented
Class ​Value​Range Undocumented
Class ​When Undocumented
Class ​Window Undocumented
Class ​Base​Expression Base class for all query expressions.
Class ​Col Undocumented
Class ​Combinable Provide the ability to combine one or two objects with some connector. For example F('foo') + F('bar').
Class ​Combined​Expression Undocumented
Class ​Duration​Expression Undocumented
Class ​Exists Undocumented
Class ​Expression An expression that can be combined with other expressions.
Class ​Expression​List An expression containing multiple expressions. Can be used to provide a list of expressions as an argument to another expression, like an ordering clause.
Class ​Expression​Wrapper An expression that can wrap another expression so that it can provide extra context to the inner expression, such as the output_field.
Class F An object capable of resolving references to existing query objects.
Class ​Func An SQL function call.
Class ​Order​By Undocumented
Class ​Outer​Ref Undocumented
Class ​Ref Reference to column alias of the query. For example, Ref('sum_cost') in qs.annotate(sum_cost=Sum('cost')) query.
Class ​Resolved​Outer​Ref An object that contains a reference to an outer query.
Class ​SQLite​Numeric​Mixin Some expressions with output_field=DecimalField() must be cast to numeric to be properly filtered.
Class ​Star Undocumented
Class ​Subquery An explicit subquery. It may contain OuterRef() references to the outer query which will be resolved when it is applied to that query.
Class ​Temporal​Subtraction Undocumented
Class ​Value Represent a wrapped value as a node within an expression.
Class ​Window​Frame No summary
Function ​_resolve​_combined​_type Undocumented
Variable ​_connector​_combinators Undocumented
def _resolve_combined_type(connector, lhs_type, rhs_type):


_connector_combinators =
