class documentation

class RPad(LPad):

View In Hierarchy


Class Variable function Undocumented

Inherited from LPad:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable output​_field Return the output type of this expressions.

Inherited from Func (via LPad):

Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method ​_get​_repr​_options Return a dict of extra __init__() options to include in the repr.
Method as​_sql Responsible for returning a (sql, [params]) tuple to be included in the current query.
Method copy Undocumented
Method get​_source​_expressions Undocumented
Method resolve​_expression Provide the chance to do any preprocessing or validation before being added to the query.
Method set​_source​_expressions Undocumented
Class Variable arg​_joiner Undocumented
Class Variable arity Undocumented
Class Variable template Undocumented
Instance Variable extra Undocumented
Instance Variable source​_expressions Undocumented

Inherited from SQLiteNumericMixin (via LPad, Func):

Method as​_sqlite Undocumented

Inherited from Expression (via LPad, Func):

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Property identity Undocumented

Inherited from BaseExpression (via LPad, Func, Expression):

Static Method ​_convert​_value​_noop Undocumented
Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method ​_parse​_expressions Undocumented
Method ​_resolve​_output​_field Attempt to infer the output type of the expression. If the output fields of all source fields match then, simply infer the same type here. This isn't always correct, but it makes sense most of the time.
Method asc Undocumented
Method desc Undocumented
Method flatten Recursively yield this expression and all subexpressions, in depth-first order.
Method get​_db​_converters Undocumented
Method get​_group​_by​_cols Undocumented
Method get​_lookup Undocumented
Method get​_source​_fields Return the underlying field types used by this aggregate.
Method get​_transform Undocumented
Method relabeled​_clone Undocumented
Method reverse​_ordering Undocumented
Method select​_format Custom format for select clauses. For example, EXISTS expressions need to be wrapped in CASE WHEN on Oracle.
Class Variable ​_output​_field​_resolved​_to​_none Undocumented
Class Variable filterable Undocumented
Class Variable is​_summary Undocumented
Class Variable window​_compatible Undocumented
Property ​_output​_field​_or​_none Return the output field of this expression, or None if _resolve_output_field() didn't return an output type.
Property conditional Undocumented
Property contains​_aggregate Undocumented
Property contains​_column​_references Undocumented
Property contains​_over​_clause Undocumented
Property convert​_value Expressions provide their own converters because users have the option of manually specifying the output_field which may be a different type from the one the database returns.
Property field Undocumented

Inherited from Combinable (via LPad, Func, Expression):

Constant ADD Undocumented
Constant BITAND Undocumented
Constant BITLEFTSHIFT Undocumented
Constant BITOR Undocumented
Constant BITRIGHTSHIFT Undocumented
Constant BITXOR Undocumented
Constant DIV Undocumented
Constant MOD Undocumented
Constant MUL Undocumented
Constant POW Undocumented
Constant SUB Undocumented
Method __add__ Undocumented
Method __and__ Undocumented
Method __mod__ Undocumented
Method __mul__ Undocumented
Method __neg__ Undocumented
Method __or__ Undocumented
Method __pow__ Undocumented
Method __radd__ Undocumented
Method __rand__ Undocumented
Method __rmod__ Undocumented
Method __rmul__ Undocumented
Method __ror__ Undocumented
Method __rpow__ Undocumented
Method __rsub__ Undocumented
Method __rtruediv__ Undocumented
Method __sub__ Undocumented
Method __truediv__ Undocumented
Method ​_combine Undocumented
Method bitand Undocumented
Method bitleftshift Undocumented
Method bitor Undocumented
Method bitrightshift Undocumented
Method bitxor Undocumented
function: str =