module documentation


Class ​Builtin​Lookup Undocumented
Class ​Contains Undocumented
Class ​Ends​With Undocumented
Class ​Exact Undocumented
Class ​Field​Get​Db​Prep​Value​Iterable​Mixin Some lookups require Field.get_db_prep_value() to be called on each value in an iterable.
Class ​Field​Get​Db​Prep​Value​Mixin Some lookups require Field.get_db_prep_value() to be called on their inputs.
Class ​Greater​Than Undocumented
Class ​Greater​Than​Or​Equal Undocumented
Class ​IContains Undocumented
Class ​IEnds​With Undocumented
Class ​IExact Undocumented
Class ​In Undocumented
Class ​Integer​Field​Float​Rounding Allow floats to work as query values for IntegerField. Without this, the decimal portion of the float would always be discarded.
Class ​Integer​Greater​Than​Or​Equal Undocumented
Class ​Integer​Less​Than Undocumented
Class ​IRegex Undocumented
Class ​Is​Null Undocumented
Class ​IStarts​With Undocumented
Class ​Less​Than Undocumented
Class ​Less​Than​Or​Equal Undocumented
Class ​Lookup Undocumented
Class ​Pattern​Lookup Undocumented
Class ​Postgres​Operator​Lookup Lookup defined by operators on PostgreSQL.
Class ​Range Undocumented
Class ​Regex Undocumented
Class ​Starts​With Undocumented
Class ​Transform RegisterLookupMixin() is first so that get_lookup() and get_transform() first examine self and then check output_field.
Class ​UUIDContains Undocumented
Class ​UUIDEnds​With Undocumented
Class ​UUIDIContains Undocumented
Class ​UUIDIEnds​With Undocumented
Class ​UUIDIExact Undocumented
Class ​UUIDIStarts​With Undocumented
Class ​UUIDStarts​With Undocumented
Class ​UUIDText​Mixin Strip hyphens from a value when filtering a UUIDField on backends without a native datatype for UUID.
Class ​Year​Exact Undocumented
Class ​Year​Gt Undocumented
Class ​Year​Gte Undocumented
Class ​Year​Lookup Undocumented
Class ​Year​Lt Undocumented
Class ​Year​Lte Undocumented