class documentation

class SQLInsertCompiler(SQLCompiler):

Known subclasses: django.db.backends.mysql.compiler.SQLInsertCompiler

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Method as​_sql Create the SQL for this query. Return the SQL string and list of parameters.
Method assemble​_as​_sql No summary
Method execute​_sql Run the query against the database and return the result(s). The return value is a single data item if result_type is SINGLE, or an iterator over the results if the result_type is MULTI.
Method field​_as​_sql Take a field and a value intended to be saved on that field, and return placeholder SQL and accompanying params. Check for raw values, expressions, and fields with get_placeholder() defined in that order.
Method pre​_save​_val Get the given field's value off the given obj. pre_save() is used for things like auto_now on DateTimeField. Skip it if this is a raw query.
Method prepare​_value Prepare a value to be used in a query by resolving it if it is an expression and otherwise calling the field's get_db_prep_save().
Instance Variable returning​_fields Undocumented
Instance Variable returning​_params Undocumented

Inherited from SQLCompiler:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_order​_by​_pairs Undocumented
Method ​_setup​_joins Helper method for get_order_by() and get_distinct().
Method apply​_converters Undocumented
Method as​_subquery​_condition Undocumented
Method collapse​_group​_by Undocumented
Method compile Undocumented
Method deferred​_to​_columns Convert the self.deferred_loading data structure to mapping of table names to sets of column names which are to be loaded. Return the dictionary.
Method explain​_query Undocumented
Method find​_ordering​_name Return the table alias (the name might be ambiguous, the alias will not be) and column name for ordering by the given 'name' parameter. The 'name' is of the form 'field1__field2__...__fieldN'.
Method get​_combinator​_sql Undocumented
Method get​_converters Undocumented
Method get​_default​_columns No summary
Method get​_distinct Return a quoted list of fields to use in DISTINCT ON part of the query.
Method get​_extra​_select Undocumented
Method get​_from​_clause No summary
Method get​_group​_by Return a list of 2-tuples of form (sql, params).
Method get​_order​_by Return a list of 2-tuples of the form (expr, (sql, params, is_ref)) for the ORDER BY clause.
Method get​_related​_selections No summary
Method get​_select No summary
Method get​_select​_for​_update​_of​_arguments Return a quoted list of arguments for the SELECT FOR UPDATE OF part of the query.
Method has​_results Backends (e.g. NoSQL) can override this in order to use optimized versions of "query has any results."
Method pre​_sql​_setup Do any necessary class setup immediately prior to producing SQL. This is for things that can't necessarily be done in __init__ because we might not have all the pieces in place at that time.
Method quote​_name​_unless​_alias A wrapper around connection.ops.quote_name that doesn't quote aliases for table names. This avoids problems with some SQL dialects that treat quoted strings specially (e.g. PostgreSQL).
Method results​_iter Return an iterator over the results from executing this query.
Method setup​_query Undocumented
Class Variable ordering​_parts Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_meta​_ordering Undocumented
Instance Variable annotation​_col​_map Undocumented
Instance Variable col​_count Undocumented
Instance Variable connection Undocumented
Instance Variable elide​_empty Undocumented
Instance Variable has​_extra​_select Undocumented
Instance Variable having Undocumented
Instance Variable klass​_info Undocumented
Instance Variable query Undocumented
Instance Variable quote​_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable select Undocumented
Instance Variable using Undocumented
Instance Variable where Undocumented
def as_sql(self):

Create the SQL for this query. Return the SQL string and list of parameters.

If 'with_limits' is False, any limit/offset information is not included in the query.

def assemble_as_sql(self, fields, value_rows):

Take a sequence of N fields and a sequence of M rows of values, and generate placeholder SQL and parameters for each field and value. Return a pair containing:

  • a sequence of M rows of N SQL placeholder strings, and
  • a sequence of M rows of corresponding parameter values.

Each placeholder string may contain any number of '%s' interpolation strings, and each parameter row will contain exactly as many params as the total number of '%s's in the corresponding placeholder row.

def execute_sql(self, returning_fields=None):

Run the query against the database and return the result(s). The return value is a single data item if result_type is SINGLE, or an iterator over the results if the result_type is MULTI.

result_type is either MULTI (use fetchmany() to retrieve all rows), SINGLE (only retrieve a single row), or None. In this last case, the cursor is returned if any query is executed, since it's used by subclasses such as InsertQuery). It's possible, however, that no query is needed, as the filters describe an empty set. In that case, None is returned, to avoid any unnecessary database interaction.

def field_as_sql(self, field, val):

Take a field and a value intended to be saved on that field, and return placeholder SQL and accompanying params. Check for raw values, expressions, and fields with get_placeholder() defined in that order.

When field is None, consider the value raw and use it as the placeholder, with no corresponding parameters returned.

def pre_save_val(self, field, obj):
Get the given field's value off the given obj. pre_save() is used for things like auto_now on DateTimeField. Skip it if this is a raw query.
def prepare_value(self, field, value):
Prepare a value to be used in a query by resolving it if it is an expression and otherwise calling the field's get_db_prep_save().
returning_fields =


returning_params =
