class documentation

class JoinPromoter:

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A class to abstract away join promotion problems for complex filter conditions.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add​_votes Add single vote per item to self.votes. Parameter can be any iterable.
Method update​_join​_types No summary
Instance Variable connector Undocumented
Instance Variable effective​_connector Undocumented
Instance Variable negated Undocumented
Instance Variable num​_children Undocumented
Instance Variable votes Undocumented
def __init__(self, connector, num_children, negated):


def add_votes(self, votes):
Add single vote per item to self.votes. Parameter can be any iterable.
def update_join_types(self, query):
Change join types so that the generated query is as efficient as possible, but still correct. So, change as many joins as possible to INNER, but don't make OUTER joins INNER if that could remove results from the query.
connector =


effective_connector =


negated =


num_children =


votes =
