module documentation


Class ​Django​Templates No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/4 method documented
Class ​Template Undocumented
Function copy​_exception Create a new TemplateDoesNotExist. Preserve its declared attributes and template debug data but discard __traceback__, __context__, and __cause__ to make this object suitable for keeping around (in a cache, for example).
Function get​_installed​_libraries No summary
Function get​_package​_libraries Recursively yield template tag libraries defined in submodules of a package.
Function reraise Reraise TemplateDoesNotExist while maintaining template debug information.
def copy_exception(exc, backend=None):
Create a new TemplateDoesNotExist. Preserve its declared attributes and template debug data but discard __traceback__, __context__, and __cause__ to make this object suitable for keeping around (in a cache, for example).
def get_installed_libraries():
Return the built-in template tag libraries and those from installed applications. Libraries are stored in a dictionary where keys are the individual module names, not the full module paths. Example: django.templatetags.i18n is stored as i18n.
def get_package_libraries(pkg):
Recursively yield template tag libraries defined in submodules of a package.
def reraise(exc, backend):
Reraise TemplateDoesNotExist while maintaining template debug information.