class documentation

class Lexer:

Known subclasses: django.template.base.DebugLexer

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method create​_token Convert the given token string into a new Token object and return it. If in_tag is True, we are processing something that matched a tag, otherwise it should be treated as a literal string.
Method tokenize Return a list of tokens from a given template_string.
Instance Variable template​_string Undocumented
Instance Variable verbatim Undocumented
def __init__(self, template_string):


def __repr__(self):


def create_token(self, token_string, position, lineno, in_tag):
Convert the given token string into a new Token object and return it. If in_tag is True, we are processing something that matched a tag, otherwise it should be treated as a literal string.
def tokenize(self):
Return a list of tokens from a given template_string.
template_string =


verbatim: bool =
