class documentation

class ClientHandler(BaseHandler):

View In Hierarchy

An HTTP Handler that can be used for testing purposes. Use the WSGI interface to compose requests, but return the raw HttpResponse object with the originating WSGIRequest attached to its wsgi_request attribute.
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable enforce​_csrf​_checks Undocumented

Inherited from BaseHandler:

Method ​_get​_response Resolve and call the view, then apply view, exception, and template_response middleware. This method is everything that happens inside the request/response middleware.
Async Method ​_get​_response​_async Resolve and call the view, then apply view, exception, and template_response middleware. This method is everything that happens inside the request/response middleware.
Method adapt​_method​_mode No summary
Method check​_response Raise an error if the view returned None or an uncalled coroutine.
Method get​_response Return an HttpResponse object for the given HttpRequest.
Async Method get​_response​_async Asynchronous version of get_response.
Method load​_middleware Populate middleware lists from settings.MIDDLEWARE.
Method make​_view​_atomic Undocumented
Method process​_exception​_by​_middleware Pass the exception to the exception middleware. If no middleware return a response for this exception, return None.
Method resolve​_request Retrieve/set the urlconf for the request. Return the view resolved, with its args and kwargs.
Instance Variable ​_exception​_middleware Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_middleware​_chain Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_template​_response​_middleware Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_view​_middleware Undocumented
def __call__(self, environ):


def __init__(self, enforce_csrf_checks=True, *args, **kwargs):


enforce_csrf_checks =
