module documentation


Class _​Assert​Num​Queries​Context Undocumented
Class _​Assert​Template​Not​Used​Context Undocumented
Class _​Assert​Template​Used​Context Undocumented
Class _​Database​Failure Undocumented
Class _​Media​Files​Handler Handler for serving the media files. A private class that is meant to be used solely as a convenience by LiveServerThread.
Class _​Static​Files​Handler Handler for serving static files. A private class that is meant to be used solely as a convenience by LiveServerThread.
Class ​Check​Condition Descriptor class for deferred condition checking.
Class ​FSFiles​Handler WSGI middleware that intercepts calls to a directory, as defined by one of the *_ROOT settings, and serves those files, publishing them under *_URL.
Class ​Live​Server​Thread Thread for running a live HTTP server while the tests are running.
Class ​Quiet​WSGIRequest​Handler A WSGIRequestHandler that doesn't log to standard output any of the requests received, so as to not clutter the test result output.
Class ​Serialize​Mixin Enforce serialization of TestCases that share a common resource.
Class ​Simple​Test​Case No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 0/5 class variable, 25/30 methods, 0/4 class method documented
Class ​Test​Case Similar to TransactionTestCase, but use transaction.atomic() to achieve test isolation.
Class ​Test​Data Descriptor to provide TestCase instance isolation for attributes assigned during the setUpTestData() phase.
Class ​Transaction​Test​Case No class docstring; 0/6 class variable, 2/8 methods, 0/1 class method documented
Function _deferred​Skip Undocumented
Function assert​_and​_parse​_html Undocumented
Function connections​_support​_transactions Return whether or not all (or specified) connections support transactions.
Function skip​If​DBFeature Skip a test if a database has at least one of the named features.
Function skip​Unless​DBFeature Skip a test unless a database has all the named features.
Function to​_list Put value into a list if it's not already one. Return an empty list if value is None.
def _deferredSkip(condition, reason, name):


def assert_and_parse_html(self, html, user_msg, msg):


def connections_support_transactions(aliases=None):
Return whether or not all (or specified) connections support transactions.
def skipIfDBFeature(*features):
Skip a test if a database has at least one of the named features.
def skipUnlessDBFeature(*features):
Skip a test unless a database has all the named features.
def to_list(value):
Put value into a list if it's not already one. Return an empty list if value is None.