class documentation

class BaseArchive:

Known subclasses: django.utils.archive.TarArchive, django.utils.archive.ZipArchive

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Base Archive class. Implementations should inherit this class.
Static Method ​_copy​_permissions If the file in the archive has some permissions (this assumes a file won't be writable/executable without being readable), apply those permissions to the unarchived file.
Method extract Undocumented
Method has​_leading​_dir Return True if all the paths have the same leading path name (i.e., everything is in one subdirectory in an archive).
Method list Undocumented
Method split​_leading​_dir Undocumented
Method target​_filename Undocumented
def _copy_permissions(mode, filename):
If the file in the archive has some permissions (this assumes a file won't be writable/executable without being readable), apply those permissions to the unarchived file.
def extract(self):
def has_leading_dir(self, paths):
Return True if all the paths have the same leading path name (i.e., everything is in one subdirectory in an archive).
def list(self):
def split_leading_dir(self, path):


def target_filename(self, to_path, name):
