class documentation

class WatchmanReloader(BaseReloader):

View In Hierarchy


Class Method check​_availability Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_check​_subscription Undocumented
Method ​_get​_clock Undocumented
Method ​_subscribe Undocumented
Method ​_subscribe​_dir Undocumented
Method ​_update​_watches Undocumented
Method ​_watch​_glob No summary
Method ​_watch​_root Undocumented
Method check​_server​_status Return True if the server is available.
Method request​_processed Undocumented
Method stop Undocumented
Method tick No summary
Method update​_watches Undocumented
Method watched​_roots Undocumented
Instance Variable client​_timeout Undocumented
Instance Variable processed​_request Undocumented
Instance Variable roots Undocumented
Property client Undocumented

Inherited from BaseReloader:

Method notify​_file​_changed Undocumented
Method run Undocumented
Method run​_loop Undocumented
Method wait​_for​_apps​_ready No summary
Method watch​_dir Undocumented
Method watched​_files Yield all files that need to be watched, including module files and files within globs.
Instance Variable ​_stop​_condition Undocumented
Instance Variable directory​_globs Undocumented
Instance Variable extra​_files Undocumented
Property should​_stop Undocumented
def check_availability(cls):
def __init__(self):
def _check_subscription(self, sub):


def _get_clock(self, root):


def _subscribe(self, directory, name, expression):


def _subscribe_dir(self, directory, filenames):


def _update_watches(self):


def _watch_glob(self, directory, patterns):
Watch a directory with a specific glob. If the directory doesn't yet exist, attempt to watch the parent directory and amend the patterns to include this. It's important this method isn't called more than one per directory when updating all subscriptions. Subsequent calls will overwrite the named subscription, so it must include all possible glob expressions.
def _watch_root(self, root):


def check_server_status(self, inner_ex=None):
Return True if the server is available.
def request_processed(self, **kwargs):


def stop(self):
def tick(self):
This generator is called in a loop from run_loop. It's important that the method takes care of pausing or otherwise waiting for a period of time. This split between run_loop() and tick() is to improve the testability of the reloader implementations by decoupling the work they do from the loop.
def update_watches(self):


def watched_roots(self, watched_files):


client_timeout =


processed_request =


roots =


client =
