module documentation


Function sensitive​_post​_parameters Indicate which POST parameters used in the decorated view are sensitive, so that those parameters can later be treated in a special way, for example by hiding them when logging unhandled exceptions.
Function sensitive​_variables Indicate which variables used in the decorated function are sensitive so that those variables can later be treated in a special way, for example by hiding them when logging unhandled exceptions.
def sensitive_post_parameters(*parameters):

Indicate which POST parameters used in the decorated view are sensitive, so that those parameters can later be treated in a special way, for example by hiding them when logging unhandled exceptions.

Accept two forms:

  • with specified parameters:

    @sensitive_post_parameters('password', 'credit_card') def my_view(request):

    pw = request.POST['password'] cc = request.POST['credit_card'] ...

  • without any specified parameters, in which case consider all variables are sensitive:

    @sensitive_post_parameters() def my_view(request)


def sensitive_variables(*variables):

Indicate which variables used in the decorated function are sensitive so that those variables can later be treated in a special way, for example by hiding them when logging unhandled exceptions.

Accept two forms:

  • with specified variable names:

    @sensitive_variables('user', 'password', 'credit_card') def my_function(user):

    password = user.pass_word credit_card = user.credit_card_number ...

  • without any specified variable names, in which case consider all variables are sensitive:

    @sensitive_variables() def my_function()
