module documentation


Class ​Java​Script​Catalog Return the selected language catalog as a JavaScript library.
Class ​JSONCatalog Return the selected language catalog as a JSON object.
Function set​_language Redirect to a given URL while setting the chosen language in the session (if enabled) and in a cookie. The URL and the language code need to be specified in the request parameters.
Constant LANGUAGE​_QUERY​_PARAMETER Undocumented
Variable js​_catalog​_template Undocumented
Function get​_formats Return all formats strings required for i18n to work.
def set_language(request):

Redirect to a given URL while setting the chosen language in the session (if enabled) and in a cookie. The URL and the language code need to be specified in the request parameters.

Since this view changes how the user will see the rest of the site, it must only be accessed as a POST request. If called as a GET request, it will redirect to the page in the request (the 'next' parameter) without changing any state.



js_catalog_template: str =


def get_formats():
Return all formats strings required for i18n to work.