class documentation

class ConfigParser(RawConfigParser):

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get​_section Return a given section as a dictionary (empty if the section doesn't exist).
Method handle​_old​_config Undocumented
Method optionxform Transform '-' to '_' so the cmdline form of option names can be used.
Method read Undocumented
Method validate​_settings Call the validator function and implement overrides on all applicable settings.
Class Variable not​_utf8​_error Undocumented
Class Variable old​_settings {old setting: (new section, new setting)} mapping, used by handle_old_config, to convert settings from the old [options] section.
Class Variable old​_warning Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_files List of paths of configuration files read.
Instance Variable ​_stderr Wrapper around sys.stderr catching en-/decoding errors
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):


def get_section(self, section):
Return a given section as a dictionary (empty if the section doesn't exist).
def handle_old_config(self, filename):


def optionxform(self, optionstr):
Transform '-' to '_' so the cmdline form of option names can be used.
def read(self, filenames, option_parser):


def validate_settings(self, filename, option_parser):
Call the validator function and implement overrides on all applicable settings.
not_utf8_error: str =


old_settings: dict =
{old setting: (new section, new setting)} mapping, used by handle_old_config, to convert settings from the old [options] section.
old_warning: str =


_files: list =
List of paths of configuration files read.
_stderr =
Wrapper around sys.stderr catching en-/decoding errors