class documentation

class BigBracket(object):

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A big bracket generator.
Method __init__ Set the size and symbol for the bracket.
Method getcell Get the bracket piece as an array cell.
Method getcontents Get the bracket as an array or as a single bracket.
Method getpiece Return the nth piece for the bracket.
Method getpiece1 Return the only piece for a single-piece bracket.
Method getpiece3 Get the nth piece for a 3-piece bracket: parenthesis or square bracket.
Method getpiece4 Get the nth piece for a 4-piece bracket: curly bracket.
Method getsinglebracket Return the bracket as a single sign.
Instance Variable alignment Undocumented
Instance Variable original Undocumented
Instance Variable pieces Undocumented
Instance Variable size Undocumented
def __init__(self, size, bracket, alignment='l'):
Set the size and symbol for the bracket.
def getcell(self, index):
Get the bracket piece as an array cell.
def getcontents(self):
Get the bracket as an array or as a single bracket.
def getpiece(self, index):
Return the nth piece for the bracket.
def getpiece1(self, index):
Return the only piece for a single-piece bracket.
def getpiece3(self, index):
Get the nth piece for a 3-piece bracket: parenthesis or square bracket.
def getpiece4(self, index):
Get the nth piece for a 4-piece bracket: curly bracket.
def getsinglebracket(self):
Return the bracket as a single sign.
alignment =


original =


pieces =


size =
