class documentation

class BlackBox(Container):

View In Hierarchy

A container that does not output anything
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable contents Undocumented
Instance Variable output Undocumented
Instance Variable parser Undocumented

Inherited from Container:

Method __unicode__ Get a description
Method escape Escape a line with replacements from a map
Method escapeentities Escape all Unicode characters to HTML entities.
Method extracttext Extract all text from allowed containers.
Method gethtml Get the resulting HTML
Method getparameter Get the value of a parameter, if present.
Method getparameterlist Get the value of a comma-separated parameter as a list.
Method group Group some adjoining elements into a group
Method hasemptyoutput Check if the parent's output is empty.
Method locateprocess Search for all embedded containers and process them
Method process Process contents
Method recursivesearch Perform a recursive search in the container.
Method remove Remove a container but leave its contents
Method searchall Search for all embedded containers of a given type
Method searchprocess Search for elements of a given type and process them
Method searchremove Search for all containers of a type and remove them
Method tree Show in a tree
Class Variable begin Undocumented
Class Variable parent Undocumented
Class Variable partkey Undocumented
def __init__(self):
contents: list =
output =


parser =
