class documentation

class ContainerExtractor(object):

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A class to extract certain containers.

The config parameter is a map containing three lists: allowed, copied and extracted. Each of the three is a list of class names for containers. Allowed containers are included as is into the result. Cloned containers are cloned and placed into the result. Extracted containers are looked into. All other containers are silently ignored.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method extract Extract a group of selected containers from a container.
Method process Add allowed containers.
Method safeclone Return a new container with contents only in a safe list, recursively.
Instance Variable allowed Undocumented
Instance Variable extracted Undocumented
def __init__(self, config):


def extract(self, container):
Extract a group of selected containers from a container.
def process(self, container, list):
Add allowed containers.
def safeclone(self, container):
Return a new container with contents only in a safe list, recursively.
allowed =


extracted =
