class documentation

class Config(dict):

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Works exactly like a dict but provides ways to fill it from files or special dictionaries. There are two common patterns to populate the config.

Either you can fill the config from a config file:


Or alternatively you can define the configuration options in the module that calls from_object or provide an import path to a module that should be loaded. It is also possible to tell it to use the same module and with that provide the configuration values just before the call:

DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = 'development key'

In both cases (loading from any Python file or loading from modules), only uppercase keys are added to the config. This makes it possible to use lowercase values in the config file for temporary values that are not added to the config or to define the config keys in the same file that implements the application.

Probably the most interesting way to load configurations is from an environment variable pointing to a file:


In this case before launching the application you have to set this environment variable to the file you want to use. On Linux and OS X use the export statement:

export YOURAPPLICATION_SETTINGS='/path/to/config/file'

On windows use set instead.

root​_pathpath to which files are read relative from. When the config object is created by the application, this is the application's ~flask.Flask.root_path.
defaultsan optional dictionary of default values
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method from​_envvar Loads a configuration from an environment variable pointing to a configuration file. This is basically just a shortcut with nicer error messages for this line of code:
Method from​_file Update the values in the config from a file that is loaded using the load parameter. The loaded data is passed to the from_mapping method.
Method from​_json Update the values in the config from a JSON file. The loaded data is passed to the from_mapping method.
Method from​_mapping Updates the config like update ignoring items with non-upper keys. :return: Always returns True.
Method from​_object Updates the values from the given object. An object can be of one of the following two types:
Method from​_pyfile Updates the values in the config from a Python file. This function behaves as if the file was imported as module with the from_object function.
Method get​_namespace Returns a dictionary containing a subset of configuration options that match the specified namespace/prefix. Example usage:
Instance Variable root​_path Undocumented
def __init__(self, root_path, defaults=None):


def __repr__(self):


def from_envvar(self, variable_name, silent=False):

Loads a configuration from an environment variable pointing to a configuration file. This is basically just a shortcut with nicer error messages for this line of code:

variable​_name:strname of the environment variable
silent:boolset to True if you want silent failure for missing files.
boolTrue if the file was loaded successfully.
def from_file(self, filename, load, silent=False):

Update the values in the config from a file that is loaded using the load parameter. The loaded data is passed to the from_mapping method.

import toml
app.config.from_file("config.toml", load=toml.load)
New in version 2.0.
filename:strThe path to the data file. This can be an absolute path or relative to the config root path.
load:Callable[[Reader], Mapping] where Reader implements a read method.A callable that takes a file handle and returns a mapping of loaded data from the file.
silent:boolIgnore the file if it doesn't exist.
boolTrue if the file was loaded successfully.
def from_json(self, filename, silent=False):

Update the values in the config from a JSON file. The loaded data is passed to the from_mapping method.

Deprecated since version 2.0.0: Will be removed in Flask 2.1. Use from_file instead. This was removed early in 2.0.0, was added back in 2.0.1.
New in version 0.11.
filename:strThe path to the JSON file. This can be an absolute path or relative to the config root path.
silent:boolIgnore the file if it doesn't exist.
boolTrue if the file was loaded successfully.
def from_mapping(self, mapping=None, **kwargs):

Updates the config like update ignoring items with non-upper keys. :return: Always returns True.

New in version 0.11.
mapping:t.Optional[t.Mapping[str, t.Any]]Undocumented
def from_object(self, obj):

Updates the values from the given object. An object can be of one of the following two types:

  • a string: in this case the object with that name will be imported
  • an actual object reference: that object is used directly

Objects are usually either modules or classes. from_object loads only the uppercase attributes of the module/class. A dict object will not work with from_object because the keys of a dict are not attributes of the dict class.

Example of module-based configuration:

from yourapplication import default_config

Nothing is done to the object before loading. If the object is a class and has @property attributes, it needs to be instantiated before being passed to this method.

You should not use this function to load the actual configuration but rather configuration defaults. The actual config should be loaded with from_pyfile and ideally from a location not within the package because the package might be installed system wide.

See :ref:`config-dev-prod` for an example of class-based configuration using from_object.

obj:t.Union[object, str]an import name or object
def from_pyfile(self, filename, silent=False):

Updates the values in the config from a Python file. This function behaves as if the file was imported as module with the from_object function.

New in version 0.7: silent parameter.
filename:strthe filename of the config. This can either be an absolute filename or a filename relative to the root path.
silent:boolset to True if you want silent failure for missing files.
boolTrue if the file was loaded successfully.
def get_namespace(self, namespace, lowercase=True, trim_namespace=True):

Returns a dictionary containing a subset of configuration options that match the specified namespace/prefix. Example usage:

app.config['IMAGE_STORE_TYPE'] = 'fs'
app.config['IMAGE_STORE_PATH'] = '/var/app/images'
app.config['IMAGE_STORE_BASE_URL'] = ''
image_store_config = app.config.get_namespace('IMAGE_STORE_')

The resulting dictionary image_store_config would look like:

    'type': 'fs',
    'path': '/var/app/images',
    'base_url': ''

This is often useful when configuration options map directly to keyword arguments in functions or class constructors.

New in version 0.11.
namespace:stra configuration namespace
lowercase:boola flag indicating if the keys of the resulting dictionary should be lowercase
trim​_namespace:boola flag indicating if the keys of the resulting dictionary should not include the namespace
t.Dict[str, t.Any]Undocumented
root_path =
