class documentation

class BaseTransport:

Known subclasses: httpx.HTTPTransport, httpx.WSGITransport

View In Hierarchy


Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method close Undocumented
Method handle​_request Send a single HTTP request and return a response.
def __enter__(self):
overridden in httpx.HTTPTransport


def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
overridden in httpx.HTTPTransport


def close(self):
overridden in httpx.HTTPTransport


def handle_request(self, request):

Send a single HTTP request and return a response.

At this layer of API we're simply using plain primitives. No Request or Response models, no fancy URL or Header handling. This strict point of cut-off provides a clear design separation between the HTTPX API, and the low-level network handling.

Developers shouldn't typically ever need to call into this API directly, since the Client class provides all the higher level user-facing API niceties.

In order to properly release any network resources, the response stream should either be consumed immediately, with a call to, or else the handle_request call should be followed with a try/finally block to ensuring the stream is always closed.

Example usage:

with httpx.HTTPTransport() as transport:
status_code, headers, stream, extensions = transport.handle_request(
method=b'GET', url=(b'https', b'', 443, b'/'), headers=[(b'Host', b'')], stream=[], extensions={}

) body = print(status_code, headers, body)


method: The request method as bytes. Eg. b'GET'. url: The components of the request URL, as a tuple of (scheme, host, port, target).

The target will usually be the URL path, but also allows for alternative formulations, such as proxy requests which include the complete URL in the target portion of the HTTP request, or for "OPTIONS *" requests, which cannot be expressed in a URL string.

headers: The request headers as a list of byte pairs. stream: The request body as a bytes iterator. extensions: An open ended dictionary, including optional extensions to the

core request/response API. Keys may include:
timeout: A dictionary of str:Optional[float] timeout values.
May include values for 'connect', 'read', 'write', or 'pool'.

Returns a tuple of:

status_code: The response status code as an integer. Should be in the range 1xx-5xx. headers: The response headers as a list of byte pairs. stream: The response body as a bytes iterator. extensions: An open ended dictionary, including optional extensions to the

core request/response API. Keys are plain strings, and may include:
reason_phrase: The reason-phrase of the HTTP response, as bytes. Eg b'OK'.
HTTP/2 onwards does not include a reason phrase on the wire. When no key is included, a default based on the status code may be used. An empty-string reason phrase should not be substituted for a default, as it indicates the server left the portion blank eg. the leading response bytes were b"HTTP/1.1 200 <CRLF>".
http_version: The HTTP version, as bytes. Eg. b"HTTP/1.1".
When no http_version key is included, HTTP/1.1 may be assumed.