class documentation

class ModuleNamespace(Namespace):

View In Hierarchy

A .Namespace specific to a Python module instance.
Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_get​_star Undocumented
Instance Variable callables Undocumented
Instance Variable context The .Context object for this .Namespace.
Instance Variable inherits Undocumented
Instance Variable module The Python module referenced by this .Namespace.
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Property filename The path of the filesystem file used for this .Namespace's module or template.

Inherited from Namespace:

Method get​_cached Return a value from the .Cache referenced by this .Namespace object's .Template.
Method get​_namespace Return a .Namespace corresponding to the given uri.
Method get​_template Return a .Template from the given uri.
Method include​_file Include a file at the given uri.
Class Variable template The .Template object referenced by this .Namespace, if any.
Class Variable uri The URI for this .Namespace's template.
Method ​_populate Undocumented
Class Variable ​_templateuri Undocumented
Property attr Access module level attributes by name.
Property cache Return the .Cache object referenced by this .Namespace object's .Template.
def __getattr__(self, key):


def __init__(self, name, context, module, callables=None, inherits=None, populate_self=True, calling_uri=None):


def _get_star(self):


callables =


context =

The .Context object for this .Namespace.

Namespaces are often created with copies of contexts that contain slightly different data, particularly in inheritance scenarios. Using the .Context off of a .Namespace one can traverse an entire chain of templates that inherit from one-another.

inherits =


module =

The Python module referenced by this .Namespace.

If the namespace references a .Template, then this module is the equivalent of template.module, i.e. the generated module for the template.

name =


filename =
The path of the filesystem file used for this .Namespace's module or template.