class documentation

class _concrete_ndptr(_ndptr):

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Like _ndptr, but with _shape_ and _dtype_ specified.

Notably, this means the pointer has enough information to reconstruct the array, which is not generally true.

Method ​_check​_retval​_ This method is called when this class is used as the .restype attribute for a shared-library function, to automatically wrap the pointer into an array.
Property contents Get an ndarray viewing the data pointed to by this pointer.

Inherited from _ndptr:

Class Method from​_param Undocumented
def _check_retval_(self):
This method is called when this class is used as the .restype attribute for a shared-library function, to automatically wrap the pointer into an array.
contents =

Get an ndarray viewing the data pointed to by this pointer.

This mirrors the contents attribute of a normal ctypes pointer