module documentation


Class ​Test​Format Undocumented
Class ​Test​Latex​Repr Test the latex repr used by Jupyter
Class ​Test​Linebreaking Undocumented
Class ​Test​Repr Undocumented
Class ​Test​Str​Ascii Undocumented
Class ​Test​Str​Unicode​Super​Subscripts Undocumented
Function test​_complex​_coefficients Test both numpy and built-in complex.
Function test​_nonnumeric​_object​_coefficients Test coef fallback for object arrays of non-numeric coefficients.
Function test​_numeric​_object​_coefficients Undocumented
Function test​_set​_default​_printoptions Undocumented
def test_complex_coefficients():
Test both numpy and built-in complex.
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('coefs', 'tgt'), ((array([1, 2, 'f'], dtype=object), '1 + 2·x¹ + f·x²'), (array([1, 2, [3, 4]], dtype=object), '1 + 2·x¹ + [3, 4]·x²')))
def test_nonnumeric_object_coefficients(coefs, tgt):
Test coef fallback for object arrays of non-numeric coefficients.
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('coefs', 'tgt'), ((array([Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(3, 4)], dtype=object), '1/2 + 3/4·x¹'), (array([1, 2, Fraction(5, 7)], dtype=object), '1 + 2·x¹ + 5/7·x²'), (array([Decimal('1.00'), Decimal('2.2'), 3], dtype=object), '1.00 + 2.2·x¹ + 3·x²')))
def test_numeric_object_coefficients(coefs, tgt):


def test_set_default_printoptions():
