module documentation

Doctests for NumPy-specific nose/doctest modifications
Function check​_empty​_output Check that no output does not cause an error.
Function check​_implicit​_np
>>> np.array([1,2,3]) array([1, 2, 3])
Function check​_random​_directive
>>> 2+2 <BadExample object at 0x084D05AC>  #random: may vary on your system
Function check​_skip Check skip directive
Function check​_whitespace​_enabled # whitespace after the 3 >>> 1+2 3
def check_empty_output():

Check that no output does not cause an error.

This is related to nose bug 445; the numpy plugin changed the doctest-result-variable default and therefore hit this bug:

>>> a = 10
def check_implicit_np():
>>> np.array([1,2,3])
array([1, 2, 3])
def check_random_directive():
>>> 2+2
<BadExample object at 0x084D05AC>  #random: may vary on your system
def check_skip():

Check skip directive

The test below should not run

>>> 1/0 #doctest: +SKIP
def check_whitespace_enabled():

# whitespace after the 3 >>> 1+2 3

# whitespace before the 7 >>> 3+4