module documentation

Collection of helper functions and classes related to the creation docutils nodes.
Class obj​_reference A reference to a documentable object.
Class wbr Word break opportunity.
Function set​_node​_attributes Set the attributes of a Node and return the modified node. This is required to manually construct a docutils document that is consistent.
Function ​_set​_nodes​_parent Set the nodes.Node.parent attribute of the nodes to the defined parent.
def set_node_attributes(node, document=None, lineno=None, children=None):
Set the attributes of a Node and return the modified node. This is required to manually construct a docutils document that is consistent.
node:nodes.NodeA node to edit.
document:Optional[nodes.document]The nodes.Node.document attribute.
lineno:Optional[int]The nodes.Node.line attribute.
children:Optional[Iterable[nodes.Node]]The nodes.Element.children attribute. Special care is taken to appropriately set the nodes.Node.parent attribute on the child nodes.
def _set_nodes_parent(nodes, parent):
Set the nodes.Node.parent attribute of the nodes to the defined parent.
Iterator[nodes.Node]An iterator containing the modified nodes.