package documentation

Markup language support for docstrings. Each submodule defines a parser for a single markup language. These parsers convert an object's docstring to a ParsedDocstring, a standard intermediate representation that can be used to generate output.

A ParsedDocstring is used for output generation (to_stan()). It also stores the fields that were extracted from the docstring during parsing (fields).

The parse_docstring() functions in the format modules take a docstring, parse it and return a format-specific subclass of ParsedDocstring. A docstring's fields are separated from the body during parsing.

The ParsedDocstring output generation method (to_stan()) uses a DocstringLinker to link the docstring output with the rest of the documentation that epydoc generates. DocstringLinkers are responsible for formatting cross-references (link_xref()).

Markup errors are represented using ParseErrors. These exception classes record information about the cause, location, and severity of each error.

Module epytext No summary
Module google Parser for google-style docstrings.
Module numpy Parser for numpy-style docstrings.
Module plaintext Parser for plaintext docstrings. Plaintext docstrings are rendered as verbatim output, preserving all whitespace.
Module restructuredtext No summary
Module ​_napoleon This module contains a class to wrap shared behaviour between pydoctor.epydoc.markup.numpy and
Module ​_pyval​_repr Syntax highlighter for Python values. Currently provides special colorization support for:
Module ​_types Render types from docutils.nodes.document objects.


Class ​Docstring​Linker A resolver for crossreference links out of a ParsedDocstring. DocstringLinker is used by ParsedDocstring to look up the target URL for crossreference links.
Class ​Field No summary
Class ​Parsed​Docstring No summary
Class ​Parse​Error The base class for errors generated while parsing docstrings.
Function get​_parser​_by​_name Get the parse_docstring(str, List[ParseError], bool) -> ParsedDocstring function based on a parser name.
Function get​_supported​_docformats Get the list of currently supported docformat.
def get_supported_docformats():
Get the list of currently supported docformat.
def get_parser_by_name(docformat, obj=None):
Get the parse_docstring(str, List[ParseError], bool) -> ParsedDocstring function based on a parser name.
Callable[[str, List[ParseError], bool], ParsedDocstring]Undocumented
ImportErrorIf the parser could not be imported, probably meaning that your are missing a dependency or it could be that the docformat name do not match any know pydoctor.epydoc.markup submodules.