module documentation

Core pydoctor objects.

The two core objects are Documentable and System. Instances of (subclasses of) Documentable represent the documentable 'things' in the system being documented. An instance of System represents the whole system being documented -- a System is a bad of Documentables, in some sense.

Class ​Attribute No class docstring; 1/3 class variable documented
Class ​Can​Contain​Imports​Documentable Undocumented
Class ​Class No class docstring; 1/1 property, 0/2 instance variable, 1/6 class variable, 1/4 method documented
Class ​Doc​Location Undocumented
Class ​Documentable An object that can be documented.
Class ​Documentable​Kind Enum containing values indicating the possible object types.
Class ​Function Undocumented
Class ​Inheritable Undocumented
Class ​Module No class docstring; 1/3 property, 1/2 instance variable, 0/3 method documented
Class ​Package Undocumented
Class ​Privacy​Class Enum containing values indicating how private an object should be.
Class ​Processing​State Undocumented
Class ​System A collection of related documentable objects.
Constant T Undocumented
Variable ​_string​_lineno​_is​_end True iff the 'lineno' attribute of an AST string node points to the last line in the string, rather than the first line.
T =


_string_lineno_is_end =
True iff the 'lineno' attribute of an AST string node points to the last line in the string, rather than the first line.