class documentation

class BaseDocstringTest(TestCase):

Known subclasses: pydoctor.test.test_napoleon_docstring.GoogleDocstringTest, pydoctor.test.test_napoleon_docstring.InlineAttributeTest, pydoctor.test.test_napoleon_docstring.NumpyDocstringTest, pydoctor.test.test_napoleon_docstring.TypeDocstringTest

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Method assert​Almost​Equal​Sphinx​Docstring Check if the upstream version of the parser class (from sphinx.ext.napoleon) parses the docstring as expected.
Class Variable max​Diff Undocumented
def assertAlmostEqualSphinxDocstring(self, expected, docstring, type_):

Check if the upstream version of the parser class (from sphinx.ext.napoleon) parses the docstring as expected.

This is used as a supplementary manner of testing the parser behaviour.

Some approximation are applied with re.sub to the expected string and the reST docstring generated by sphinx.ext.napoleon classes. This is done in order to use the expected reST strings designed for pydoctor.napoleon and apply them to sphinx.ext.napoleon in the same test.

Tho, not all tests cases can be adapted to pass this check.

expected:strThe exact expected reST docstring generated by pydoctor.napoleon classes (trailling whitespaces ignored)
type​_:Type[Union[SphinxGoogleDocstring, SphinxNumpyDocstring]]Undocumented
maxDiff =
