class documentation

class ZopeInterfaceSystem(model.System):

View In Hierarchy


Method post​Process Called when there are no more unprocessed modules.

Inherited from System:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add​Module​From​Path Undocumented
Method add​Object Add object to the system.
Method add​Package Undocumented
Method analyze​Module Undocumented
Method fetch​Intersphinx​Inventories Download and parse intersphinx inventories based on configuration.
Method find​_object Look up an object using a potentially outdated full name.
Method get​Processed​Module Undocumented
Method handle​Duplicate This is called when we see two objects with the same .fullName(), for example:
Method introspect​Module Undocumented
Method msg Undocumented
Method objects​Of​Type Iterate over all instances of cls present in the system.
Method obj​For​Full​Name Undocumented
Method privacy​Class Undocumented
Method process Undocumented
Method process​Module Undocumented
Method progress Undocumented
Method set​Source​Href Undocumented
Method verbosity Undocumented
Class Variable default​Builder Undocumented
Class Variable sourcebase Undocumented
Instance Variable allobjects Undocumented
Instance Variable buildtime Undocumented
Instance Variable docstring​_syntax​_errors FullNames of objects for which the docstring failed to parse.
Instance Variable intersphinx Undocumented
Instance Variable module​_count Undocumented
Instance Variable needsnl Undocumented
Instance Variable once​_msgs Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable processing​_modules Undocumented
Instance Variable projectname Undocumented
Instance Variable rootobjects Undocumented
Instance Variable unprocessed​_modules Undocumented
Instance Variable verboselevel Undocumented
Instance Variable violations No summary
Property root​_names The top-level package/module names in this system.
Method _introspect​Thing Undocumented
Method ​_warning Undocumented
def postProcess(self):

Called when there are no more unprocessed modules.

Analysis of relations between documentables can be done here, without the risk of drawing incorrect conclusions because modules were not fully processed yet.