class documentation

class HtmlFormatter(Formatter):

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Format tokens as HTML 4 <span> tags within a <pre> tag, wrapped in a <div> tag. The <div>'s CSS class can be set by the cssclass option.

If the linenos option is set to "table", the <pre> is additionally wrapped inside a <table> which has one row and two cells: one containing the line numbers and one containing the code. Example:

<div class="highlight" >
  <td class="linenos" title="click to toggle"
    onclick="with (
             { display = (display == '') ? 'none' : '' }">
  <td class="code">
    <pre><span class="Ke">def </span><span class="NaFu">foo</span>(bar):
      <span class="Ke">pass</span>

(whitespace added to improve clarity).

Wrapping can be disabled using the nowrap option.

A list of lines can be specified using the hl_lines option to make these lines highlighted (as of Pygments 0.11).

With the full option, a complete HTML 4 document is output, including the style definitions inside a <style> tag, or in a separate file if the cssfile option is given.

When tagsfile is set to the path of a ctags index file, it is used to generate hyperlinks from names to their definition. You must enable lineanchors and run ctags with the -n option for this to work. The python-ctags module from PyPI must be installed to use this feature; otherwise a RuntimeError will be raised.

The get_style_defs(arg='') method of a HtmlFormatter returns a string containing CSS rules for the CSS classes used by the formatter. The argument arg can be used to specify additional CSS selectors that are prepended to the classes. A call fmter.get_style_defs('td .code') would result in the following CSS classes:

td .code .kw { font-weight: bold; color: #00FF00 }
td .code .cm { color: #999999 }

If you have Pygments 0.6 or higher, you can also pass a list or tuple to the get_style_defs() method to request multiple prefixes for the tokens:

formatter.get_style_defs(['div.syntax pre', 'pre.syntax'])

The output would then look like this:

div.syntax pre .kw,
pre.syntax .kw { font-weight: bold; color: #00FF00 }
div.syntax pre .cm,
pre.syntax .cm { color: #999999 }

Additional options accepted:

If set to True, don't wrap the tokens at all, not even inside a <pre> tag. This disables most other options (default: False).
Tells the formatter to output a "full" document, i.e. a complete self-contained document (default: False).
If full is true, the title that should be used to caption the document (default: '').
The style to use, can be a string or a Style subclass (default: 'default'). This option has no effect if the cssfile and noclobber_cssfile option are given and the file specified in cssfile exists.
If set to true, token <span> tags (as well as line number elements) will not use CSS classes, but inline styles. This is not recommended for larger pieces of code since it increases output size by quite a bit (default: False).
Since the token types use relatively short class names, they may clash with some of your own class names. In this case you can use the classprefix option to give a string to prepend to all Pygments-generated CSS class names for token types. Note that this option also affects the output of get_style_defs().

CSS class for the wrapping <div> tag (default: 'highlight'). If you set this option, the default selector for get_style_defs() will be this class.

New in version 0.9: If you select the 'table' line numbers, the wrapping table will have a CSS class of this string plus 'table', the default is accordingly 'highlighttable'.
Inline CSS styles for the wrapping <div> tag (default: '').

Inline CSS styles for the <pre> tag (default: '').

New in version 0.11.

If the full option is true and this option is given, it must be the name of an external file. If the filename does not include an absolute path, the file's path will be assumed to be relative to the main output file's path, if the latter can be found. The stylesheet is then written to this file instead of the HTML file.

New in version 0.6.

If cssfile is given and the specified file exists, the css file will not be overwritten. This allows the use of the full option in combination with a user specified css file. Default is False.

New in version 1.1.

If set to 'table', output line numbers as a table with two cells, one containing the line numbers, the other the whole code. This is copy-and-paste-friendly, but may cause alignment problems with some browsers or fonts. If set to 'inline', the line numbers will be integrated in the <pre> tag that contains the code (that setting is new in Pygments 0.8).

For compatibility with Pygments 0.7 and earlier, every true value except 'inline' means the same as 'table' (in particular, that means also True).

The default value is False, which means no line numbers at all.

Note: with the default ("table") line number mechanism, the line numbers and code can have different line heights in Internet Explorer unless you give the enclosing <pre> tags an explicit line-height CSS property (you get the default line spacing with line-height: 125%).


Specify a list of lines to be highlighted. The line numbers are always relative to the input (i.e. the first line is line 1) and are independent of linenostart.

New in version 0.11.
The line number for the first line (default: 1).
If set to a number n > 1, only every nth line number is printed.
If set to a number n > 0, every nth line number is given the CSS class "special" (default: 0).

If set to True, the formatter won't output the background color for the wrapping element (this automatically defaults to False when there is no wrapping element [eg: no argument for the get_syntax_defs method given]) (default: False).

New in version 0.6.

This string is output between lines of code. It defaults to "\n", which is enough to break a line inside <pre> tags, but you can e.g. set it to "<br>" to get HTML line breaks.

New in version 0.7.

If set to a nonempty string, e.g. foo, the formatter will wrap each output line in an anchor tag with an id (and name) of foo-linenumber. This allows easy linking to certain lines.

New in version 0.9.

If set to a nonempty string, e.g. foo, the formatter will wrap each output line in a span tag with an id of foo-linenumber. This allows easy access to lines via javascript.

New in version 1.6.
If set to True, will wrap line numbers in <a> tags. Used in combination with linenos and lineanchors.

If set to the path of a ctags file, wrap names in anchor tags that link to their definitions. lineanchors should be used, and the tags file should specify line numbers (see the -n option to ctags).

New in version 1.6.

A string formatting pattern used to generate links to ctags definitions. Available variables are %(path)s, %(fname)s and %(fext)s. Defaults to an empty string, resulting in just #prefix-number links.

New in version 1.6.

A string used to generate a filename when rendering <pre> blocks, for example if displaying source code. If linenos is set to 'table' then the filename will be rendered in an initial row containing a single which spans both columns.

New in version 2.1.

Wrap the code inside <pre> blocks using <code>, as recommended by the HTML5 specification.

New in version 2.4.

Add title attributes to all token <span> tags that show the name of the token.

New in version 2.10.

Subclassing the HTML formatter

New in version 0.7.

The HTML formatter is now built in a way that allows easy subclassing, thus customizing the output HTML code. The format() method calls self._format_lines() which returns a generator that yields tuples of (1, line), where the 1 indicates that the line is a line of the formatted source code.

If the nowrap option is set, the generator is the iterated over and the resulting HTML is output.

Otherwise, format() calls self.wrap(), which wraps the generator with other generators. These may add some HTML code to the one generated by _format_lines(), either by modifying the lines generated by the latter, then yielding them again with (1, line), and/or by yielding other HTML code before or after the lines, with (0, html). The distinction between source lines and other code makes it possible to wrap the generator multiple times.

The default wrap() implementation adds a <div> and a <pre> tag.

A custom HtmlFormatter subclass could look like this:

class CodeHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter):

    def wrap(self, source, outfile):
        return self._wrap_code(source)

    def _wrap_code(self, source):
        yield 0, '<code>'
        for i, t in source:
            if i == 1:
                # it's a line of formatted code
                t += '<br>'
            yield i, t
        yield 0, '</code>'

This results in wrapping the formatted lines with a <code> tag, where the source lines are broken using <br> tags.

After calling wrap(), the format() method also adds the "line numbers" and/or "full document" wrappers if the respective options are set. Then, all HTML yielded by the wrapped generator is output.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_create​_stylesheet Undocumented
Method ​_decodeifneeded Undocumented
Method ​_format​_lines Just format the tokens, without any wrapping tags. Yield individual lines.
Method ​_get​_css​_class Return the css class of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.
Method ​_get​_css​_classes Return the CSS classes of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.
Method ​_get​_css​_inline​_styles Return the inline CSS styles for this token type.
Method ​_highlight​_lines Highlighted the lines specified in the hl_lines option by post-processing the token stream coming from _format_lines.
Method ​_lookup​_ctag Undocumented
Method ​_translate​_parts HTML-escape a value and split it by newlines.
Method ​_wrap​_code Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_div Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_full Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_inlinelinenos Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_lineanchors Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_linespans Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_pre Undocumented
Method ​_wrap​_tablelinenos Undocumented
Method format​_unencoded The formatting process uses several nested generators; which of them are used is determined by the user's options.
Method get​_background​_style​_defs Undocumented
Method get​_css​_prefix Undocumented
Method get​_linenos​_style​_defs Undocumented
Method get​_style​_defs Return CSS style definitions for the classes produced by the current highlighting style. arg can be a string or list of selectors to insert before the token type classes.
Method get​_token​_style​_defs Undocumented
Method wrap Wrap the source, which is a generator yielding individual lines, in custom generators. See docstring for format. Can be overridden.
Class Variable aliases Undocumented
Class Variable filenames Undocumented
Class Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_ctags Undocumented
Instance Variable anchorlinenos Undocumented
Instance Variable class2style Undocumented
Instance Variable classprefix Undocumented
Instance Variable cssclass Undocumented
Instance Variable cssfile Undocumented
Instance Variable cssstyles Undocumented
Instance Variable debug​_token​_types Undocumented
Instance Variable filename Undocumented
Instance Variable hl​_lines Undocumented
Instance Variable lineanchors Undocumented
Instance Variable linenos Undocumented
Instance Variable linenospecial Undocumented
Instance Variable linenostart Undocumented
Instance Variable linenostep Undocumented
Instance Variable lineseparator Undocumented
Instance Variable linespans Undocumented
Instance Variable nobackground Undocumented
Instance Variable noclasses Undocumented
Instance Variable noclobber​_cssfile Undocumented
Instance Variable nowrap Undocumented
Instance Variable prestyles Undocumented
Instance Variable span​_element​_openers Undocumented
Instance Variable tagsfile Undocumented
Instance Variable tagurlformat Undocumented
Instance Variable title Undocumented
Instance Variable ttype2class Undocumented
Instance Variable wrapcode Undocumented
Property ​_linenos​_special​_style Undocumented
Property ​_linenos​_style Undocumented
Property ​_pre​_style Undocumented

Inherited from Formatter:

Method format Format tokensource, an iterable of (tokentype, tokenstring) tuples and write it into outfile.
Class Variable unicodeoutput Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable full Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable style Undocumented
def __init__(self, **options):


def _create_stylesheet(self):


def _decodeifneeded(self, value):


def _format_lines(self, tokensource):
Just format the tokens, without any wrapping tags. Yield individual lines.
def _get_css_class(self, ttype):
Return the css class of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.
def _get_css_classes(self, ttype):
Return the CSS classes of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.
def _get_css_inline_styles(self, ttype):
Return the inline CSS styles for this token type.
def _highlight_lines(self, tokensource):
Highlighted the lines specified in the hl_lines option by post-processing the token stream coming from _format_lines.
def _lookup_ctag(self, token):


def _translate_parts(self, value):
HTML-escape a value and split it by newlines.
def _wrap_code(self, inner):


def _wrap_div(self, inner):


def _wrap_full(self, inner, outfile):


def _wrap_inlinelinenos(self, inner):


def _wrap_lineanchors(self, inner):


def _wrap_linespans(self, inner):


def _wrap_pre(self, inner):


def _wrap_tablelinenos(self, inner):


def format_unencoded(self, tokensource, outfile):

The formatting process uses several nested generators; which of them are used is determined by the user's options.

Each generator should take at least one argument, inner, and wrap the pieces of text generated by this.

Always yield 2-tuples: (code, text). If "code" is 1, the text is part of the original tokensource being highlighted, if it's 0, the text is some piece of wrapping. This makes it possible to use several different wrappers that process the original source linewise, e.g. line number generators.

def get_background_style_defs(self, arg=None):


def get_css_prefix(self, arg):


def get_linenos_style_defs(self):


def get_style_defs(self, arg=None):
Return CSS style definitions for the classes produced by the current highlighting style. arg can be a string or list of selectors to insert before the token type classes.
def get_token_style_defs(self, arg=None):


def wrap(self, source, outfile):
Wrap the source, which is a generator yielding individual lines, in custom generators. See docstring for format. Can be overridden.
aliases: list[str] =


filenames: list[str] =
name: str =


_ctags =


anchorlinenos =


class2style: dict =


classprefix =


cssclass =


cssfile =


cssstyles =


debug_token_types =


filename =


hl_lines: set =


lineanchors =


linenos: int =


linenospecial =


linenostart =


linenostep =


lineseparator =


linespans =


nobackground =


noclasses =


noclobber_cssfile =


nowrap =


prestyles =


span_element_openers: dict =


tagsfile =


tagurlformat =


title =


ttype2class =


wrapcode =


_linenos_special_style =


_linenos_style =


_pre_style =
